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Once I am safely inside my room, I grab what I need and head straight into the bathroom to shower. I have to be down in the gym to train the boys, including the asshole that seduced me while I was drunk and vulnerable. I cannot believe I allowed that to happen. I mean, yes I have fantasized over Niall for years but never did I imagine him to be so cold hearted after sleeping with someone. What an asshole.

I start to slowly strip my clothes of piece by piece, my fingers running over my smooth skin. I do have to admit, what I can remember from last night was amazing. Suddenly an idea struck.

I opened the bathroom door just a crack, enough to see that the room was empty. Good. I tiptoed over to my suitcase and grabbed just what I needed and darted back into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Turning on the shower, I step inside the glass doors and sit on the tile covered bench inside the shower. Steam is quickly building and fogging up part of the glass. My mind travels back to what I can remember of last night.

The way he touched me made me melt. I ghosted my hands over my body, wishing they were his. Spreading my legs, I slide my hand down my torso to the apex of my thighs. I've barely begun and I am already so needy. I grab the item I had retrieved from my suitcase: my hot pink vibrator.

Turning it on a low setting, I slip it slowly inside my already wet opening, remembering just how well Niall filled me last night. With his tight skinny jeans you could never tell that he was hiding an impressive length in there. I let out soft moans, not wanting to disturb the rooms around mine.

Easing the vibrator in and out, I bumped up the setting a bit, enjoying the feeling it is giving me.

"Ahem, need some help?" A husky voice asked me from right outside the now open shower doors. When the fuck did that happen?

"How did you get in here?!" I shout as I close my legs and toss the vibrator further into the shower. My hands fly up trying to cover my naked chest.

"Well I was given a key after I told Paul I wanted to check on you. Given how upset you were, this is the last thing I expected to find you doing," Harry replied smoothly, a smirk on that handsome face of his.

"Well now you know I am more than okay, you can leave now."

"Wait a minute, I don't think you were done. And you never answered my question. Do you need any help?" He asked as he pulled his shirt over his head. I felt my throat begin closing up from the site of Harry's perfect abs. I really would not mind letting him have his way with me but again, he is one of my bosses just like Niall. Oh god. What am I doing?

"We can't, you're my boss Harry. This is wrong."

"I won't tell if you don't," he says softly as his shorts drop to the floor, leaving him naked in front of me. It took all of my will power to keep my eyes on his face and not below his waist. He stepped in and shut the shower door behind him, the enclosed space feeling much too small for the rapidly growing sexual tension. It was too much. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to reign in my rapid heart beat.

I felt his warm hand grab my wrist gently and pull me to stand up.

"Open your eyes, love."

I slowly open them only to be met by his sultry green eyes staring straight into mine.

"This," he says holding up my pink vibrator, "is no match for the real thing, babe." I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks. "I guess I am just going to have to prove that to you."




Also Niall got hacked on Twitter lol why is it always that boy??

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