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I am sweating. Why am I sweating? I never get this hot when I sleep. Did the air conditioning break?

I pry my eyes open and am met with a tangled nest of auburn hair on my chest. Daisy. Her body is clinging so tightly to mine as if I am her anchor keeping her from floating away in her dreams. I can't help the soft smile that has reached my lips. I have dreamt of having this beautiful girl in my arms so many times and now it is real. But this can't happen. I am such a fuck up.

Looking around I spot the clock on the nightstand, five AM. I have to do something about this and fast. I am practically her boss. This is so wrong on so many levels. And I have been an ass to her. Why the hell would she get into bed with me?

Oh. Alcohol.

I am so stupid. Thinking back I realize I got way more trashed than I intended last night. I don't remember much but I remember the look in her eyes when she saw me last night. Confusion with a hint of lust. I took advantage of her.

I slowly adjust her so that she is laying on the bed beside me and disentangle her legs from mine. I have to get out of here. As much as I want to stay and ravish the gorgeous naked girl in my bed again....I can't. Simple as that. Last night was a mistake.

Easing up slowly, so as not to wake her, I search for my boxers from last night and slip back into them. I throw on the first pair of shorts I can find and a T-shirt, sliding on my shoes as I approach the door.

I can't just leave. This is my room. God this is awkward.

Running my fingers through my hair out of sheer frustration I head to the desk in the back of the room. Taking the pen and paper I quickly scribble out a note and place it on the pillow next to her. I wish I didn't have to do this.

She is going to hate me.

That is the last thing I want especially after last night but this is what I have to do. Not just for me but for her. To protect her.


I am cold. Why am I so cold? Ugh and my head is pounding. What the hell did I drink last night?

Groaning as I roll to my back and stretch my arms out I finally open my eyes. Oh.

This isn't my room.

Where the fuck am I?!

Sitting up suddenly causes the sheet to fall off of me and I realize I am naked. I am naked in a strange room and I appear to be alone. I have a feeling I fucked up big last night.

Looking around the room, I somewhat recognize my surroundings. At least I'm still in the same hotel. But who's room am I in? Oh god I hope I didn't sleep with a roadie. I would die from embarrassment of having to travel with them for the remainder of the tour.

I slide out of the big bed, wrapping the sheet around me, and pad over to the suitcase in the corner. Surely who ever I slept with won't miss a T-shirt that reads "CRAZY MO-" OH. MY. GOD.



Rummaging through the rest of the clothes only confirms my fear. I slept with Niall Horan.

How could I have slept with that asshole? He has been nothing but mean to me since I met him. Yeah I dreamed about sleeping with him but never like this. What on earth possessed me to come back to the hotel with him? Last thing I remember clearly was being at the bar and seeing him chatting up another girl. Did he know how drunk I was last night? And still took advantage of me?

I am furious. I should be basking in the bliss of having been bedded by my sunshine but not under these circumstances.

I tug his shirt over my naked chest and take a pair of his shorts as well for good measure. I don't care if he misses them.

After getting dressed....well if you can even call it that... I start to hunt for my belongings. My panties and bra were thrown about the room and my dress was laying in a pile on the floor mingled with his clothes. The sight made my heart ache. How could he?

Turning to take a look at the time I notice something I hadn't earlier: a note.

I snatch it up and my eyes quickly scan over the page and I feel the blood drain from my face. I am going to kill him.

Grabbing the rest of my things I storm off towards the door without a second glance at the room where I spent what was sure to have been a blissful night at the time but now is an empty shell of a nightmare.

Slamming the door behind me and heading towards the elevator I hear a door open behind me. I am in no mood nor state to deal with anyone right now with out biting there head off or breaking down into a sobbing mess. I push the button to call the elevator way more times than was necessary out of hopes that it would reach me faster.

A hand lightly gripped my shoulder causing me to jump. Turning around I am met with a pair of confused green eyes searching mine.

"Are you alright, Daisy?"

"No," was all I could manage. I didn't trust my voice not to break. Mercifully that is when the elevator doors opened and I scurried inside, leaving a confused and worried Harry gazing after me as the doors closed. That is when I lost it.

His words.

So hurtful.

His scribbled words dug into me deeply.

"Get out. You were a mistake."

Please don't hate me lol

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I really feel like no one is reading this :/

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