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After I finally made it up to my room, I decided a shower was exactly what I needed. Not just to rid myself of sweat but to calm me down. I am wound so tight right now.

I'll admit I have always had a thing for Niall, ever since he was a goofy lil Irish boy on the stairs but damn. Niall isn't the one that has me all worked up like this....Harry does.


When I finally emerged from the bathroom, in nothing but my towel, a scream burst from my startled self. Someone was in my room.

"You must be Daisy!" Said the perky blonde girl. She was digging through a suitcase on the unoccupied bed.

"Uhhh yeah. Um. Who are you?"

"Oh sorry!" She giggled, "I'm Patricia but you can call me Trish. I'm Lou's assistant," she adds, extending her hand out to me. I awkwardly shake it given my current state of undress.

"I'm Mark's assistant," I say, forcing a small smile. This is so awkward.

"I know. We are gonna be rooming together the whole tour I believe."

All I can manage is to mumble I small 'ohh' and nod. I knew I'd have a roommate but I didn't expect her to look like Malibu Barbie. Looking her over while she digs through her clothes, I can't help but notice how tan her perfect body is. I can't help but be a little bit jealous. But I guess I should probably befriend her since I'm stuck with her.

"Are you gonna get dressed? The van will be here in an hour," she says looking at me over her shoulder. I must look like an idiot still frozen by the bathroom door.

"What do you mean? Where are we going?"

"Clubbing of course," she says with a wink.

"What? Why?" I nearly choke.

"Well I heard that the boys want to let off some steam and celebrate the start of the tour or something. But I want to land me a fella even if it is just for a night," she replied. She sounds a bit like a slut. Oops.

I watch as she pulls out a tiny black mini skirt and blood red crop top and squeezes by me into the bathroom.

"Better hurry," she says smiling as she shuts the door to change.

I head over to pick out something to wear. I brought some clothes that would work in a club but I don't know what would be appropriate since we are going out with basically our bosses and other tour staff. Sifting through the clothes, my hand lands on one of my favorite dresses. Its a tight fitting, short, low cut, mint green dress that never fails at getting the opposite sexes attention. I love it.


An hour or so later, Trish and I exit the elevator into the lobby to meet the awaiting vans. The lobby is pretty crowded with other tour staff members. Some are just sitting back, shooting the breeze, and others are dressed up like us making their way to the doors.

Once we are outside, I see a row of black vans in front of us. Trish pulls me towards the very last one. Opening the door, we are greeted with a glare and a cheeky smile. Why did she have to choose their van?

"Hello ladies, looking beautiful this evening. Aren't they Niall?" Harry states as we climb into the van. Its awkward climbing like this in my dress. I don't want them to see anything they shouldn't.....no matter how bad I really want them to. He slide over in his seat at the back a bit. "Daisy, why don't you come sit back here?"

I swear I had a heart attack right then and there. Oh my god.

"Um sure," I manage with a small smile. I can feel my cheeks warming from the growing blush. I take a seat next to him, his arm stretched out on the back of the seat behind my head. Trish sat in the row in front of us next to Niall. He is paying no attention to either of nor acknowledging we are even here. What the fuck is that Irish prick's problem?


After a short ride, we reach the club and are let in immediately, flanked by the boys security. The room inside is a lit with neon lights flashing to the beat of the dance music playing. It all makes me a lil bit dizzy. I need a drink.

Looking around, I quickly spot the bar at the back of the room. Weaving through the pulsing bodies and getting grinded on a few times I finally reach the counter. I hop up on one of the stools and wait to be noticed. I didn't wait long. I ordered my usual vodka cranberry and started sipping it down as soon as it was within my reach.

Without realizing it, I went through 3 vodka cranberries just sitting here people watching. Now I wanted to dance. Well rather the alcohol wanted me to dance. I stumbled a bit making my way to the dance floor to find Trish. I didn't feel like dancing with a stranger, I wasn't that drunk.

The flashing lights illuminated her blonde hair making it look as if it glowed. I tapped on her shoulder, causing her to turn and grin as she saw me. She grabbed my hands and we started moving to the music. I didn't really think this through, when I drink vodka it makes me dance like a slut. Oops. But Trish went with it, I think she was using our dancing to lure in a man and I could see from the looks we were getting it was working. She was wisked away by a tall dark handsome type, leaving me by myself. I just kept right on moving, swaying my hips till I felt two very form hands grab onto them. They pulled me back till I was rubbing on what was obviously a mans crotch. I leaned back into the mans chest, placing my hands over his, grinding my backside into him earning a low growl in my ear, his hot breath tickling my ear.

I turned around, slipping my arms around my partners neck only to be met with hooded, lust filled blue eyes. I felt my smile falter. He was staring intently into my eyes, still moving my hips against him. His gaze slipped down to my lips as he bit his own. Slowly he leaned forward and began placing kisses up and down my neck, making me moan into his ear. Is this really happening? Surely this is another fucked up wet dream. I could feel his smirk against my neck. I was putty in this mans hands.

"Let's move this little party back to my room," Niall whispered, his lips against my ear. A shiver racked down my spine as I nodded, unable to speak.

Sorry I have taken a while to update. My dog Lilo passed away yesterday and I've just been busy. I hope you guys are enjoying this so far....

Also I am writing this on my phone so please excuse any typos. I will go back later and fix them.♥

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