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( I began writing this and Keith Tomlinson -Louis' grandpa- DMd me on twitter lsjdkdkdnsbzjd omg this is the 2nd time and he still hasn't followed me for me to be able to reply)

I gathered up my clothes for the day (pic) and went to go shower quickly.

After turning on the water and letting it warm up, I stripped off what little I was wearing and stepped in. I cannot believe I had a wet dream about Niall Horan.

Last night.... I can't even. He is practically my boss now. And I have to meet him soon. I hope I meet him today....wait....no I don't. What if I let it slip what he did to me last night in my dream? Oh my god.

I finish washing my hair and jump out to blow dry it. I am sure I am annoying my mom taking as long as I have but I don't care. It was her idea to have me come here instead of staying at my apartment so she can suffer the consequences.

One its dry I throw it up into a messy bun and put just enough makeup on so I don't look a zombie from The Walking Dead. After squeezing my ass into my skinnies and throwing my tanktop on, I head back to my room.

I slip on my vans and grab my suitcase and purse and start the search or my mom. It didn't take long. She is sitting on the couch looking half asleep. She only has eye makeup on one eye.....should I tell her??? Nah.


"About time, Daisy Janae! Get your ass in gear and let's get goin!"

She leads the way out the door and waits to lock it behind me. I go put my suitcase in the trunk of her car and climb in the passenger seat. It is still dark out. At least I have this 3 hour drive and then a long ass plane ride to sleep on.

*creepy spongebob narrator voice: three hours later*

We pull up to the international departures terminal and my stomach erupts in butterflies. What am I doing?! Am I really about to jet set around with five hot as fuck guys?! That I get to order around a gym?! Oh I'm going to enjoy this.

"Why are you smiling like that Daisy? Its creepy, you're scaring people," my mother interrupts my dirty thoughts. I quickly assemble my face into what I believe is a neutral expression.

"I don't know what you are talking about,x I answer quickly and hop out of the car, pulling my purse up onto my shoulder. I go around and get my suitcase out of the trunk and set it down on the sidewalk.

"Well, give momma a kiss so you don't miss your flight sugar," my moms voice shakes as she makes her way to me. We hug tightly and I kiss her on her cheek. I'm going to miss my mom and her insanity.

"I will call and text you so much that you won't even get a chance to miss me," I smile at her as we let go.

"No you won't but its OK,my big girl as her own life to live. Now go live it!" She says, practically pushing me into the airport.

I turn and wave one last time as I drag my suitcase behind me. I am not sure where I need to go and out flight should be leaving soon. Taking out my phone, I scroll down to Mark's number to text him.

Daisy:I'm here. Where do I need to go?

Mark: Head towards the information desk. I will meet you there.

Daisy: Will do.

I put my phone back in my purse and head for the information desk all the way on the other end of the main lobby. Man this is a long walk. My suitcase is heavy. Maybe I should have packed less. Nahh.

I finally reach the desk and no one is there. I lean against the wall next to it, pulling out my phone to text Mark again when I feel someone staring at me. I hate that feeling. Glancing up I see a blonde quiff walking towards me. He looks grumpy. Who pissed in his Lucky Charms?

"Let's go," he says in that Irish accent once he realizes he caught my attention. God that accent. Ugh. Why didbthey send Niall? Where is Mark?

"Oh, okay." I mumble. I feel like I am going to barf. The butterflies have returned with a vengeance. He has already turned back around and is stalking off towards the security check. After we both pass through he pauses briefly to wait for me to catch up to him since he has stayed well ahead of me this whole time, never getting closer than fifteen feet or so. Oh well, I got to stare at his ass the whole way here.

"How are you supposed to be our trainer if you can't even keep up with me?" He asks with a bit of a glare.

"Well I usually don't have 20 pounds of luggage or so to drag around," I shoot back, returning his dirty look. Ohhh the things I want to do to him...no. Don't even go there right now.

He looks almost surprised at the look I gave him. Well if you act like an ass I will treat you as such.

"This way," he mumbles and leads me through a set of doors and down a long hallway out another set of doors that were guarded by security. They quickly part, letting us pass out onto a tarmac. There in front of us is a smallosh jet. Damn. We are flying on a private plane?

"Don't look so surprised, we can't exactly fly commercial and risk getting mobbed on the plane," Niall says with a smirk. Ugh why is he so cute. I want to be mad at him for being rude but I can't. I try regain composure over my face again as he leads me to the plane.

A man takes me suitcase to stow it with the rest of the luggage and we head up the stairs into the jet.

"Good morning! My name is Wendy and I will be your flight attendant today! Please take a seat!" Says a blonde with a creepy smile way too fakely. Ew.

"Morning," I reply. I look around the cabin and notice most of the seats are empty.

"Hello Daisy!" Says a rather chipper Mark. "Sorry I had to make a phone call so Niall volunteered to go meet you. I'm sure you didn't mind," he adds with a wink caucong me to blush.

"No I didn't mind. Does it matter where I sit?" I ask shyly.

"Not at all! Niall is sitting there," he points to the seat across the aisle from him, "and Harry is asleep back there," he points behind him. "Other than that sit where ever you like."

I nod and go to sit in front of Mark. That gives me plenty of space between Grumpy and Sleepy. This will be a long flight.

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