Chapter 1 [Episode 1: Part 1]

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Author Note :
Underlined & Italics means Japanese
Italics means talking
'Hi' (this means thoughts/talking to themselves)

Teacher's Pov:

I was the last teacher in the school currently as I was looking over things for March mock Exams. I realised that two of the report cards were missing. Looking all over I couldn't find them.

So I got the register and I checked to if there was defiantly 22 students and I was correct. So I Called the teacher who did them.

HomeroomTeacher: "Hello, this is Class 4 home room teacher. I'm missing two report cards for the March mock exam."

OtherTeacher: "Oh, really? I checked it several times. One moment let me check. Don't hang up!"

HomeroomTeacher: "Sure. Please make it quick"

Staying on the phone the lamp that lit the small area I was working started to flicker off before it turned off properly.

HomeroomTeacher: "What? Is it a blackout?"

A Crash was then heard which was weird as there was no one else in the school except me.

Teacher: "What?"

Putting the phone down I stood up and walked to find out what it was. The rain was coming down hard. Walking further down the corridor I saw a window that was beside the stairs had been left open.

Teacher: "Geez."

Closing the window I then locked it

Teacher: "A blackout and rain. It's like a horror movie"

I began to walk back to the office but stopped in my track as a Louder crash that sounded like glass breaking was heard, turning around I looked in the direction of the sound.

Teacher: "What was that?"

I then headed towards the sound very carefully.

No one's pov:

In a classroom or mostly know as Class 4, 13 kids were in class after school time. 11 of the kids were standing around as 2 of the students were doing a ouija board type thing.

"Bunshinsada, Bunshinsada. Please Come.
Bunshinsada, Bunshinsada. Please Come. Bunshinsada, Bunshinsada. Please Come. Bunshinsada, please come Bunshinsada.
Bunshinsada, Bunshinsada. Please come.
Bunshinsada, Bunshinsada. Please Come.
Bunshinsada, Bunshinsada. Please Come."

Yedam: "Are"

Hyunsuk: "If you are, please answer"

Silence filled the classroom as they waited for an answer. As they were about to give up the pen that the 2 boys were holding moved to the "O" side signalling that it was indeed here. Which scared the boys as it suddenly happened.

Although what scared the boys most was the crash of
Lightning that followed as well as the slam of the class door, which made all the boys run out in terror.

Although two boys (Hyunsuk & Kai) were left in the class. As Alex didn't leave and someone had push Hyunsuk making him hit his knee cap on the ground.

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