Chapter 25 [Episode 8: Part 4]

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Author Note :
Underlined & Italics means Japanese
Italics means talking
'Hi' (this means thoughts/talking to themselves)
Underlined, Italics, & Bold are a narrator talking
No One's pov:

The students sat in class as the Homeroom teacher stood at the front.

HomeroomTeacher: "Yoon Jaehyuk?"

Jaehyuk: "Here"

HomeroomTeacher: "Yoon Chi Woo? Lee Seong Hyun? Choi Hyun Suk?"

Hyun Suk: "Here"

HomeroomTeacher: "Haruto? Kai?"

Haruto&Kai: "Here!"

Doyoung(???): "Haruto..Kai...Came into our lives"

(A/N: I don't know who does this narrator voice thing)


Hyunsuk, Kai, Haurto, Asahi, Mashiho and Jeongwoo's sat at a table together. Asahi reached over to Hyunsuk tray handing over some of his food not liking it. Mashiho grabbing things from Haruto's tray and Jeongwoo grabbing things from Kai's tray, making Haruto look at Mashiho.

Mashiho: "What? You can't finish this anyways."

Haruto: "Hm.. eat up! You can eat it"

Hyunsuk: "Really?"

Haruto: "Yeah"

Doyoung(???): "We are learning. How to live with ghosts"


Junghwan sat by himself in a little room in side were the dorms were held. He was recording himself with a filter on, before two more filters showed up behind him.

Junghwan: "Hold On"

Turning the record off he turned around looking for the two ghosts.

Junghwan: "Hey, Haruto, Kai show yourselves!"

Kai and Haruto showed up behind him, Junghwan letting a smile show up before high-fiving Haruto.

Junghwan: "This will be a huge hit!"

Haurto: "Yeah!"


The classroom with empty only 5 students were in.

Haruto stood up writing on the board helping the others study.

Haruto: "Now this! This was in the exam for ten years! You must memorise it, okay? Don't forget!"

Yoshi, Doyoung, Yedam and Jaehyuk sat writing whatever was on the board onto there pages.

Doyoung(???): "And sometimes, we benefited from this coexistences"


Standing up yawn Junkyu turned around to see Haruto and Kai asleep, Haruto's his head resting on his hand and Kai's head rested on Haruto's shoulder.

Tapping Jihoon on the shoulder he pointed to The two sleeping boys.

Junkyu: "They're sleeping"

Jihoon: "Ha!"

Jihoon got his camera ready recoding it before counting down.

Junkyu&Jihoon: "Boo!"

Haurto and Kai sat up getting scared from the two.

Haruto: "You scared us!"

Junkyu&Jihoon: "Hahahahaha!!"


Stood in the class room the students(Treasure&myoc) stood there flowers and little graduation books in their hands.

Doyoung(???): "The time has come for us to graduate together"

Doyoung: "Hey Guys! Let's take a photo!"

They crowded together in a huddle as Junghwan set up the camera before walking to the group.

Doyoung(???): "Haruto and Kai, finally resolved all their grieving and they went to heaven. Giving us a memorable time in high school"

^(Play this before moving on any further)^

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