Chapter 9 [Episode 4: Part 2]

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Author Note :
Underlined & Italics means Japanese
Italics means talking
'Hi' (this means thoughts/talking to themselves)
Kai's pov:

I had walked into class and had sat next to Asahi, I pulled out some scrap paper from my bag and started drawing.

Not long after Junkyu's voice ran through the room.

🎶Happy 100th Day🎶

Kai: "Junkyu, why are you singing that again?"

Junkyu: "I..I'm not"

🎶Happy 100th Day🎶

Kai: "Huh?"

🎶Happy 100th Day my Honey🎶

Junkyu: "What is that?...My teddy Bear, where did it go?"

🎶Happy 100th Day🎶

Hyunsuk: "What is it this time?"

Jeongwoo: "What's wrong with it today?!"

The song then played over again, scaring most of the class. Junkyu then got up and frantically searched all the lockers and cabinets looking for it.

Getting to the last ones behind me and Asahi, he opened it up to find the teddy bear hiding away. Although as he pulled it out it revealed to have some red stains on it.

As the eerie song played over never stopping. The Red like blood laid by the eyes. The bear settled on the grown deserted by its owner. Junkyu covered his ears as his eyes closed tight, although nothing could block out the sound, the only resort he could think of is to kick it.

Junkyu: "Stop It...I said, stop it, please! Stop it, PLEASE!"

As Junkyu crouch down, tears stained his checks, I got off my chair I crouched next to Junkyu hugging him close to my chest as the song let out its final tune.

🎶Happ̶̸̨̺͊̍̒̓̀y̯̤͑́́̓́ 100̴̫͙͙̪̔̽̔͛͘t̴͕͖͓̀h̶̯̰̝̻̿̓͢d̸̡̩͍̔ͥ͜ă̶̸̝ͦ͊̿͋͞y̯̤͑́́̓́🎶

Jihoon's pov:

Lying in my bed after getting washed and ready I looked at my phone minding my own business as the quiet room was filled with a soft voice.

Junkyu: "Jihoon-ah."

Jihoon: "What?"

Junkyu: "Let's sleep together. I'm scared."

Jihoon: "I don't want to"

The sound of creaking made it's sound known, looking at the ladder I saw Junkyu climbing down before lying down next to me, moving over a bit more so he could get on without falling off.

Jihoon: "Aish"

Setting my phone down, I crossed my arms as Junkyu settled himself.

𝙁𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚Where stories live. Discover now