Chapter 21 [Episode 7: Part 5] Cookie Video

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No One's pov:

Kai sat next to Haruto who sat at his desk, both of them doing nothing. The class was silent. I mean there were only 4 people in the class.

???: "Dongmin, let's go play football."

The boy who was called Dongmin put his book down, before looking at Haurto and Kai who both look back. No words were exchanged,

Dongmin: "Okay, let's go!"

Dongmin walked out and the class room was once again quiet.

As the class remind quiet Haruto and Kai both looking at the desk. A man walked towards the two, the man had watched everything that just happened. But Who?....

Dongmin's future self.

The future man, eyes widened as he saw Haruto and Kai sat there. Although the two stopped looking at the desk their eyes laid upon the future Dongmin's figure.

No emotion laid on their faces. As they stared at future

A shaky sigh left his mouth as he realised and now remembered the two who sat in front of him.

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