Chapter 16 [Episode 6: Part 3] Cookie Video

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No One's pov:

The security guard walked the corridors checking all the rooms and locking the doors. The light he held lit the corridors up.

He walked up to the Tecaher's office, hearing one of the teachers on the phone sparked his interest.

Teacher: "Hello, this is Class 4 Homeroom Teacher. I'm missing two report cards for the March mock exam."

The guard walked to the door staring into the small window that showed the Homeroom Teacher sat at his desk on the phone.


The Homeroom Teacher walked the halls trying to find the sound that attracted his attention. The halls were dark only the moonlight lit the halls.

Walking up to the stair case, the teacher put on his flashlight. As he was about to walk down the stairs being careful of his surroundings. He was suddenly pushed down, the fall knocking him unconscious.


The guard stood at the top of the staircase, after pushing the teacher down the stairs. Panic starting to set in.

Guard: "I'm sorry. I have no choice. I need to protect my son and his lover"

???: "What was that?!"

The guard ran away leaving the teacher alone. The guard entered the teachers office going over to the Class 4 Homeroom teacher's desk. The teacher on the other side of the phone still talked.

Teacher: "Hello? I just doubled checked and all the report cards were delivered. Everyone including the 20th student Choi Hyunsuk."

The guard picked up the phone before putting the phone down, hanging up the phone on the other teacher.

Before walking out of the office, happy that was able to keep his son and his son's lover secret safe. Although the guilt was yet to settle in.

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