Chapter 24 [Episode 8: Part 3]

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Author Note :
Underlined & Italics means Japanese
Italics means talking
'Hi' (this means thoughts/talking to themselves)
No One's pov:

The students of Class 3 began to walk out of the class as Night school had finally ended.

Exiting the students(treasure) saw their Homeroom Teacher with an unfamiliar face will an unfamiliar to them all minus Yoshi who seen to know the women too well.

They bowed to the teacher and unfamiliar women in respect although Yoshi seemed to stare at the women the women also noticing Yoshi's stare.

Hyunsuk: "Hello Sir"

HomeroomTeacher: "Yes"

Hyunsuk: "Who is she?"

HomeroomTeacher: "No need to worry. Don't get in the way. After you"

The women walked in as the teacher followed.

The doors were shut the light went off the students(Treasure) lined outside the doors and windows peeking in to see what was happening.

Candles were lit, the only things that were lighting up the room. Above on the door frame were some talisman.

The women picked up some bells, there little tune rang around the room.

She walked to the lockers finding what she was wanting.

Women: "They're here"

HomeroomTeacher: "Wh...what is?"

Women: "the sprits are inside"

The two lockers in question, Haruto's and Kai's. With some rings of the bell, the locks that locked the lockers opened.

Women: "They've been hiding well"

She took of the lockers putting them aside opening up the lockers.

There was the reason on Why couldn't they leave?

Because the urns sat in their lockers, locking their sprits in the class room.

Women: "There you both are."

HomeroomTeacher: "Wh...Why are they here? Wow"

Women: "You must break them to get rid of the poltergeists"

The lady picked up Kai's urn putting it on top of the lockers before grabbing Haruto's.

Women: "Poor Things. Poor things! Poor things was grieving. Poor things. But nether of you can stay. Go to hell, you demons! Go away!!"

Before the breaking could happen the door swung open before Jeongwoo and Jihoon walked in the others not far behind on their tails.

Jeongwoo: "No!!"

Jihoon: "Jeongwoo!!"

𝙁𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙗𝙮 𝙎𝙞𝙙𝙚Where stories live. Discover now