Chapter 20 [Episode 7: Part 4]

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Author Note :
Underlined & Italics means Japanese
Italics means talking
'Hi' (this means thoughts/talking to themselves)
No One's pov:

In the teachers office the Class 4's Homeroom Teacher sat at his desk doing some work as Ms. Lee the Music Teacher came over to say goodbye.

Ms. Lee: "I'll be going home now"

HomeroomTeacher: "Lucky you. It's been a long break. I have so many things to do"

Ms. Lee: "Cheer Up. Fighting!"

As Ms. Lee was about to walk away she was suddenly stopped.

HomeroomTeacher: "Oh! Wait, Ms. Lee"

Ms. Lee: "Yes?"

HomeroomTeacher: "The day of my accident. Remember the missing grades from the March mock test?"

Ms. Lee: "Oh... I checked right away and there was nothing missing"

HomeroomTeacher: "What do you mean? I can't find Haruto's or Kai's grades?"

Ms. Lee: "Haruto? Kai? Who are Haruto and Kai?"

HomeroomTeacher: "Two students in my class.."

Homeroom Teacher's pov:

I was in class calling out the students name

HomeroomTeacher: "Yoon Jaehyuk?"

Jaehyuk: "Here"

HomeroomTeacher: "Okay. Choi Hyunsuk?"

Hyunsuk: "Here"

HomeroomTeacher: "Okay, Um..."

Junkyu: "Sir! You didn't call his name?"

Junghwan: "Or his"

HomeroomTeacher: "Huh? What's both of your names?"

???: "Haruto"

???: "Kai"

HomeroomTeacher: "Haruto and Kai? There must be an error"

Realising that the two students names weren't in the roll call I grabbed my pen and wrote them in.

-End Of Flashback-

HomeroomTeacher: "It's nothing. Bye"

Ms. Lee: "Bye"

Ms. Lee then bowed to the other, confusing written over her face before she carried on walking out.

The teacher Looked over to the broad that read

3 (3 Grade)

Before looking at class 4 that read.


HomeroomTeacher: "Huh? What is this?"

Teacher: "Haurto. Kai. Their names sound familiar? That's right! They were both called Haruto and Kai! You know. They were both in my class with you, Dong Min. Oh, you don't remember? Haruto only came to class, two or three times. He was sick, so he came a few times, then he died. Kai, was a loner, never had friends except Haruto, and Kai also died. They were both dating"

HomeroomTeacher: "There were such students?"

Teacher: "It's in that cabinet if you're curious. Their records. Hmph!"

Walking over to the said cabinet, The Homeroom teacher opened its doors before looking frantically for the files. After finding it he flicked towards the page the held both Kai's and Haruto's records.

He looked at the two's records are realised that the other teacher was right. Dropping the folder in shock.

HomeroomTeacher: "Then what? Are they ghosts? Ha"

Rubbing his hand over his face, he walked out of the office the new found anger written all over.

He walked to the class, although he marched over when he saw Doyoung lingering in the corridor who was shocked at the teacher's sudden appearance.

HomeroomTeacher: "Be honest with me. When Jeongwoo got hurt and when the students made a fuss about there being ghosts. Are they related to Haruto and Kai?"

Kai's pov:

Standing next to Haruto as he, Junkyu, Jihoon and Jeongwoo messed around most likely on Junkyu's phone, I wasn't really paying attention, a bang pulled me out of my dreamy state.

I turned to Haurto and the others thinking it was them until the teacher came up and looked at me and Haruto.

HomeroomTeacher: "What are you two? Huh? Why are you both still here when you both died 10 years ago!"

Kai: "Sir"

Haruto then stood up standing behind me a bit away though.

HomeroomTeacher: "Sir? Shut up. I remember everything now. Why are you both here? How you're here, I don't care. Get out of my sight"

Before I could say anything the teacher then began pushing me quite hardly.

HomeroomTeacher: "Go!

Jihoon: "Sir!"

HomeroomTeacher: "Go, you ghosts! Get out, you ghosts!"

My back then hit the lockers my eyes stared at the floor, the teacher turned around throwing the things that laid on Haruto's desk off and onto the floor.

As he turned around, I let out a shaky breathe my breathing becoming uneven, and my hands became shaky.

HomeroomTeacher: "Ah!! Hey! You all knew. You all knew about them?! These rascals. Here me straight. From this point on, there is no more Haruto and Kai"

My head quickly whipped up upon hearing that, my eyes looking at Haruto, although his expression stayed emotionless.

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