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BangChan as the father of you're baby Pt.2:

"CHANNIE HYUNG!!"Felix yelled.

Chan looks at Felix. "What?!"

"I have to go see my mom, get to the point!"Felix says.

Minho sighs. "Seriously, come on we've been here for like 20 minutes"

Han stands up."And all you've said is 'Listen' and 'Hear me out'"

Chan smiles. "It's a funny story"

Changbin rolls his eyes. "Come on already"

Chan looks at you and then back at the others."So basically, Y/N is pregnant"

"Yep, I am"

Minho smiles. "No way"

Changbin shrugs. "I kinda saw it coming"

"What?, Are you for real?"Han asks, shocked.

Chan giggles. "Yep"

"I know, Y/N accident told me on the phone last week"Hyunjin says.

Felix stands up. "OH MY GOSH, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!"

Seungmin smiles. "Congrats guys"

I.N hugs Chan. "This is great"

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