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Since Seonghwa has been on tour, you haven't been able to see him. So, you decided to surprise him. You'll go to his concert and then you'll surprise him at the fansign. You talked to Wooyoung and he helped you figure out a plan. He told you that when you arrive, go to the back so he could let you in. Then you would sit in the middle, where you can see Seonghwa, but it's harder for Seonghwa to see you.

When the fansign started, you smiled, happy to see your boyfriend talking and laughing with his members and ATINY. A few fans recognized you, so you explained to them that you're here to surprise Seonghwa and that they couldn't make it obvious you were here. They nodded and promised to keep you're secret.

When it became you're turn in line, you began to feel very excited and nervous. Wooyoung mentioned it to the other members that you were coming. The first person in line was Yeosang.
"Hi Sangie"You said, handing him your album to sign.
"Hi Noona, I kinda forgot you were coming"He chuckled, signing your album.
You laughed, quietly, not wanting Seonghwa to find out you were here, since you knew that he knows your laugh from a mile away.
"Well, at least I know that you wouldn't tell him on accident if you did forget"
You asked him how tour was going and made more small talk before moving onto Mingi.
"Hi GiGi"You said.
"Hi Bubs, working on any more artwork?"He asks.
You nodded. "Yep"
He smiles. "I can't wait to see them"
You giggled. "How's tour going?"
"Good"He says.
You made more small talk and then he asked you what flower crown looked best.
You pointed to a blue one. "That one"
He handed you the blue flower crown. "You can keep it"
You tried giving it back, knowing ATINY gave it to him.
He smiles, placing the crown on your head. "ATINY loves you, so they wouldn't mind me sharing"
You giggled and thanked him. When you reached Jongho, you prayed that Seonghwa wouldn't look over. As Jongho signed your album, he made sure not to say your name.
You two whispered to each other, so Seonghwa wouldn't hear you guys talking.
As the fan in front of you moved down, you said goodbye to Jongho and moved onto Seonghwa.
"Hi baby"You said, softly.
"Hi-"He looked up and froze.
You waved, smiling. The fans started laughing and taking pictures.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?!"He asks, pulling you into a hug from over the table.
"I decided to surprise you because I miss you"You said, into his shoulder.
As you two kept talking, he held your hand.
He asked about your artwork and how you even planned the surprise without him knowing.
When it was time for you to move on, he kissed your hand.
"You'll be in the waiting room afterwards, right?"He asks.
You nodded. "Of course"
He smiled. "I love you"
"I love you too"You said.
As you moved down the line, the boys greeted you the same way, entergetic and glad to see you. Both Hongjoong and Yeosang even drew on your hand.
As you sat back down, some girls showed you pictures they took of you and Seonghwa.
When the fansign ended, Seonghwa and the other members thanked ATINY for coming.
"We would also like to thank our friend Y/N for coming and surprising Seonghwa, since he has been missing you, he has-"Wooyoung started but Seonghwa covered Wooyoung's mouth.
Everyone laughed at Seonghwa. When Seonghwa looked at you, you shook your head, smiling. He knew that he was going to be teased by you later.

When you walked into the waiting room, everyone started crowding you and hugging you. You looked over at Seonghwa and laughed, he was pouting.
"Alright guys, I want to see the person I came here for"You said.
They jmmediately get off of you, so you could get to Seonghwa.
Seonghwa got up and hugged you.
"Hi babe, I missed you"He whispered, into your ear.
"I missed you too"You say, softly.
Now that you two we're together, you felt much more happy.
"I love you"He says, kissing you, ignoring the guys saying 'Ew' and 'Get a room'.
You smile. "I love you too"

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