~Yunho (Ateez)~

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(Side note: I have no idea if Yunho can ice skate, but I made him bad for the imagine)

Yunho and I are on a date at the ice rink. I love ice skating.. but Yunho.. not so much.

"Come on Yunho!"I squeal, like a little kid.

He groaned. "I'm coming, I'm coming"

I giggled at his whining about how he can't skate, but that's gonna change.

"I'll meet you at the center of the ice"I said, before skating away.

*Yunho's P.O.V*

Oh my gosh! Ice skating isn't my thing! I have to try though. I can't let Y/N down.

"Here I go"I mumbled to myself.

I tried skating but I quickly lost my balance and fell down. "Ow"

"You ok?"Y/N asked, skating up to me.

"I'm perfectly fine. Skating on ice is fun..even though it's slippery"I reassured her.

She smiled down at me. "It seems like you're having trouble balancing. Do you need some help?"

"Please"I said.

She giggled and helped me up. Soon enough, I was able to finally skate, thanks to Y/N.

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