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BangChan as the father of you're baby Last Part:

Areum walk into the living room and twirled around. "Appa, look at my outfit!"

You smiles. "She chose it herself"

All of the members squeal at how cute she is. "AWWWW!!"

Chan picks her up and spins her around. "My princess is so beautiful!!"

Areum giggles. "Thank you Appa"

Felix takes Areum out of Chan's arms and runs away with her, laughing.

Chan starts to chase after Felix, also laughing. "Give me back my daughter Lix"

Areum giggles at Felix. "Silly Lixie"

After a minute, Felix finally puts Areum down.

Chan immediately picks up Areum again. "I won't let Lixie get you again Princess"

You laugh at Chan. "It was fu
nny seeing you chase after Lix like that"

"What?, He had my daughter Y/N"

"I know I know"

Chan kisses Areum's forehead. "Let's go to the park shall we?"

Areum claps her hands. "Yeah!"

You grab Chan's hand. "Let's go then"

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