~Nct Dream~

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Nct Dream's reaction to you kissing them:

(I've gotten into Nct a lot more and this is my first time doing a reaction for them lol)


"Babe, come here"You said, as took a drink of water

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"Babe, come here"You said, as took a drink of water.

Mark invited you to come to practice with him today, and of course, you accepted.

"Yes? Do you need anything?"He asked.

You just shook your head and kissed him. He immediately smiled and you thought it was really cute. Even when he continued practice with the other members, he could stop smiling.


"Hey babe?"You said to Renjun, who was watching TV with you

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"Hey babe?"You said to Renjun, who was watching TV with you.

He turned to you and smiled. "Hm?"

You kissed him and then pulled away. "I love you"

"I love you too"He said, grinning from ear to ear.


Jeno was cooking dinner and you were getting kinda bored

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Jeno was cooking dinner and you were getting kinda bored. So, you walked up to him and kissed him.

"What was that for?"He asked.

You just shrugged. "I don't know"

"Well, feel free to do that more often"He said.


You knew Haechan was shy and always love to tease him because of that

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You knew Haechan was shy and always love to tease him because of that. So, when he was getting a drink, you walked up to him and kissed him.

He immediately started blushing, obviously feeling shy. "W-Why did you do that?"

"Because I think it's cute you're shy"You said, causing him to blush even more.


You were feeling very clingy today and followed him around everywhere around the dorm, which he didn't mind

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You were feeling very clingy today and followed him around everywhere around the dorm, which he didn't mind.

He went to go get a snack and you followed him. After he grabbed the snack, you kissed him.

"You're so cute"He said, and kissed your cheek.


He loved when you kissed him, despite him being a bit shy and you thought it was cute

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He loved when you kissed him, despite him being a bit shy and you thought it was cute.

"Babe"You said.

"Yeah? You ok?"He asked.

You just nodded your head and kissed him. He tried to act cool, but he failed miserably and blushed.


He was pretty clingy with you, but you didn't mind it

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He was pretty clingy with you, but you didn't mind it. Today, he was more clinger than ever and was follwed you around while you did thing around your house. As you were cleaning your counter, he stood right beside you.

You sighed and kissed him. "At least sit down so I can finish cleaning this counter"

He grinned. "I want more kisses"

"Only if you sit down"You said.

He immediately nodded and sat down.

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