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BangChan as the father of you're baby Pt.4:

"Ready to find out the gender today?"You ask him.

He nodded, smiling. "I'm very excited!"

You put in you're coat. "What gender are you hoping it to be?"

"I'll be happy with either gender"He says.

*At the doctor's office*

After the doctor finishes the whole process, he writes something on his board and then looks at us with a smile. "Are you guys wanting to know the gender now?"

Chan nods. "Yes"

"It's a girl!"The doctor says.

He starts doing a happy dance. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, yay yay yay!!"

You giggle at him being so excited.

He hugs you. "I can't wait to tell the members!"

*At the dorm*

"Well?"Han asks.

Chan looks at you and then back at the members, smiling. "It's a girl"

All of them start squealing.

Seungmin hugs Chan and then you. "Congrats guys!"

"Thank you Seungmin"

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