~Wooyoung (Ateez)~

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You and Wooyoung were laying down watching TV together, and you buried your face into his neck, feeling a little bored. A few minutes passed and you suddenly got an idea. Smirking, you kissed his neck.

He blushed and turned to you. "D-Did you just..?"

"What? I didn't do anything"You said, acting all innocent.

He didn't say anything and turned back to the TV. You smiled and kissed his neck again. After turning off the TV, he turned to you.

"Y/N.."He said, flustered.

"Ok, ok, I'll stop"You replied, holding your hands up.

He blushed once again. "I didn't say I wanted you to stop.."

You chuckled and kissed his neck again and again, until he was a laughing mess. At that moment, you decided you were going to kiss his neck anytime he was feeling down or in a bad mood, now knowing it would get him laughing.

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