Chapter 37(Date Special!)

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And the day has finally arrived. Pentious has spent his three days planning and making reservations while (Y/n) talked with Latrodectte who created her a simple yet semi formal dress out of her Spider Silk.

Secretly asking Angel Dust for help with her hair and makeup behind Alastor's back, the drag queen making a quick work with the smaller demon with eagerness, not caring about the fact that it's his enemy she's going on a date with and only commenting with;

"Thank goodness, that old guy really needs someone else to be with him besides those eggmen. I'm surprised someone like him managed to hook someone at all let alone a lil cutie like you, he better be takin care of you like a queen or he ain't worth no shit."

After he was done, her hair's curled almost looking like roses at the ends, her makeup light yet definitely adorns and makes her eyes and lips pop into attention. She was perfect.

Angel then took her to get some nice heels that weren't too high and is just enough to be comfortable yet look fashionable. In the end, she can always just float if she gets too uncomfortable but it would be nicer if she could walk beside her date.

Pentious on the other hand had gotten his suit and coat ironed and ready. That's all he really needed to do when it came to his clothing, though he did shine his two fangs that were protruding out.

As for the hood which act as his hair, he just tied it back with a ribbon into a loose low ponytail.

He even buffed and shined his tail scales. And of course we can't forget his signature hat that sits on top of his head.

After that, he had to run into the nearest flower shop for her favorite flower bouquet.

And with the last remaining twenty minutes before the clock struck six, he got into his limo and drove off towards his secret tunnel alleyway.

Upon arriving, there he saw his date partner, waiting with her usual smile that adorns that pretty face of hers.

Upon arriving, there he saw his date partner, waiting with her usual smile that adorns that pretty face of hers

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"Ahem.. err.. boss?" The eggboi coughed, gaining the attention of his creator before he motioned for him to go to her already.

With a gulp and a small flush of red on his cheeks, he straightened up and slithered towards the waiting female, holding her bouquet.

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