Chapter 27

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Your PoV

You awkwardly float in your place in Sir Pentious' kitchen as the said demon look down on you with the smallest of smirk on his face, making you feel a little nervous as to what he has prepared for you.

For as you see my dear reader, it is the beginning of your three day demise.

You promised your lovely friend on Halloween that he can do whatever he wishes with you for three days if he goes along with your important mission of taking candies from random demons on the night of spooks day.

"Well now (Y/n), don't look ssso afraid, it won't be TOO bad" he laughed.

Behind him are Softy and Sunny with a frown. Sunny holding some folded clothes goes to you and gives you the outfit, backing away and taking off his little hat, doing a small bow with Softy with sad faces as if they're in a burial.

So naturally, you were mighty afraid.

I mean what the hell Sunny, it's not like you're going to die or be tortured, right!? Right..?

You unfolded the clothes that was given to you so you could look properly. And it was then, your face of horror finally appeared.

If you didn't show it earlier, you made your feelings obvious now.

It was a maid outfit.

And judging from the two eggbois reaction, Pentious planned to perhaps work you to the bone. And you are one lazy ass girl so naturally, this did not sit well with you.

You hesitantly changed into your work clothes, following Pentious into his machine room where parts of metal and bolts lie around, in the middle is a big table where papers and blueprints were left unfinished.

"Alright (Y/n), clean the room and place all the metal piece in that corner, arrange the sssscrews and whatnot into their designated drawers and clean the floor. The eggbois are on break right now ssso it's your job as my new maid to do the ssssorting and cleaning." He explained, going to the table to resume his work.

You almost cried. Not only was the room huge, but it was messy as fuck, failed incomplete machines lay around with parts littered on the floor, black oil dripping from somewhere into the floor, wrench and other tools lost in the pile of unused pipes and metal scraps, bolts and nuts littered around as if a child just played Lego on the ground which you luckily don't need to step on(thanking your ability to float).

Looking around, you don't even know where to start!

Softy slowly walked towards you with a broom and duster in hand which you took in your vines.

You shook your head and sucked it up, psh this is mess is nothing compared to the all mighty garden demon!

And so the cleaning began.

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Two and a half hours later you almost finished the half of the room.

It's not sparkly clean but you'll get to that.

You finished sorting all the metal stuff and cleaning the floor a bit.

You also finished sorting the screws and what not, along with the tools, placing them in their rightful order on a shelf.

You now started to dust off the ceiling before sweeping the floor. Mopping it afterwards.

After you were done with that, which took a while, you went on and started wiping some machines and pipes on the side, wiping your sweat off of your face.

Pentious somehow kept his gaze on his papers, going back and forth into this huge computer looking machine with buttons and dials on it, pressing some of the buttons skillfully, not even casting a glance on it as he stared on the screen.

What a nerd.

But hey, who are you to talk, you collect your victims hats and clothes just for the fun of it if it interested you enough.

And so you continued on your work, taking a break a few times.

Five hours later

You layed on the floor.

You just did the job of a dozen or so eggbois singlehandedly like a fuckin boss.

Yet you were so tired you can't even think anymore.

And so you just layed there in the floor, in your dumb maid outfit.

The room is clean of any spots. It looked more roomy now that you've cleaned off the junk on the floor.

You heard your dear friend groan so you turned your head a bit just in time to see him faceplant the table.

Being a genius is probably tiring having to think all the time and solving stuff your mind, writing them down then typing away into your computer mc dingy.

"(Y/n).... Get me a coffee.... Please..." He groaned.

You didn't want to get up so you just stared. Your mind blank as your test paper back in middle school.

Yet somehow your heart told you that you feel bad for the snake so you begrudgingly stood up and floated towards the kitchen to make his coffee.

You got his coffee and headed back to the room, seeing him faceplanted on the table made you roll your eyes.

Placing the mug down on the table, you patted his back and went back to lying on the floor.

Just your average tired demons.

I had a drawing related to the chapter but I guess wattpad won't let me upload images anymore

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