chapter 13: The names Roy, but everyone calls me Big Red.

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(Sophia's POV)

A knock echos on the door.

"Hey, Sophia? It's me! Chet!" He knocks again "I'm here for studying!"

That was usually our code to sneak off and visit the church but I couldn't find the will to speak.

"Sophia?" Chet tries again his voice softer "I know you're in there. Come on."

I sigh, burying my head under the blanket, falling into darkness.


"Hey, Sophia is me, Randell." Knocking follows "come on, open up."

I roll over, pulling the pillow over my head. Soon enough sleep took me again.


"Sophia is mike." The knocking is quick and only done once "come on Sophia, come outside and sit with us, it's beautiful."


Loud knocking echoes around the room. I sigh, hiding under my pillow.

"Sophia!" It was Randell "I know you're in there! Open up! It's been two days and I'm done being nice!" His multiple hands hit the wood over and over never stopping or slowing "I will keep annoying you until you open the door!" More knocking "get out of bed Sophia!"

I groan, pulling my feet up close to me.

"Go away, Randell!"

"Not till you open the door and join the world again!" More knocking "if you don't come I swear ill get Dean Hardscrabble!"

I sigh, tossing the blanket off "fine! So shut up okay?!"

The knocking stops before I reach the door. When I open it he pauses "wow, you look awful."

I stare him down "don't make me shut the door."

"Sorry. Here!" He hands me two paper bags "I'm coming in."

Randell's in my room before I could stop him "you must be starving so I got you two plain bagels with butter and strawberry yogurt."

I sit at the table, carefully opening both bags. I was already chewing when Mike walks into the room.

"Wow, you look awful."

Randell snorts, failing badly to cover his laughter with a cough and I hear the curtain and window open.

Mike moves, opening the window in the kitchen but leaving the curtain half down.

As much as I hated the interruptions the food and warm air felt nice.

"So are you excited about class tomorrow?"

Both Randall and I stare at Mike.

"Really?" Randall sighs

"Sorry," Mike chuckles awkwardly "I'm not very good at conversations."

"Well, why don't you head back to our room and you can see Sophia when she's feeling better okay?"

Thankfully Mike took the hint and graciously bowed out.

"I hope you feel better Sophia."

When the door shut it's just the two of us. So it should've been comforting it a little to ease the look on Randall's face. I knew he had questions. But I wasn't sure if I had the answers. I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answers.

"Hey, as awkward as that was Mike's right. It is beautiful out. So you were going to finish your food, go have a shower, and then you and I are going to have a nice walk around the school just the two of us. -and don't even think of disagreeing, you force-fed me when I was sick I will sponge bath you."

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