chapter 16: Spanish 101 and madness?

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Since there are a lot of languages in this I'm underlining the Spanish.

"Sophia's POV)

"Welcome students to Spanish 101, this week will simply be a review of what you learned last year. I'll have you writing a small test to show me where you are."

I flip open my text book and look over the page as the door opens. I hear the whispers of the class.

"I knew Id have some stragglers this morning but I never though it would be you."

I don't miss the way the class giggles.

"Apologies Miss Carson, I had to break up a fight with some students this morning."

I freeze, pencil bag hovering mid air.

"Class this is Javier Rios, he's the top student in the senior class and my teacher's assistant."

Slowly my eyes lift and I see him bristle just the slightest when our eyes meet.

Oh fuck...

My eyes slowly move down his frame, noting the absence of his beloved ROR jacket. I see the small shiver run down his body before he clears his throat.

"Welcome freshmen. As Miss Carson said my names Javier. Now I know that I am a member of Roar Omega Roar but in this class I'm just a teachers assistant. If you have any questions on scaring or my brothers I ask that you wait until after class. Thank you."

I feel his eyes on me again and can't help a small smile.



I glance over my paper, checking the answers one more time and nod. I flip my paper over, placing my books in my bag and quietly stand.

I see a few eyes on me and get my paper. With a careful walk down the stairs I hand the paper to the teacher.

"Miss Carson, Mr Rios."

She checks my name with a smile "Miss Jones. I'll see you tomorrow."

As I walk by our eyes meet again.


I walked into the library, music softly playing through my head phones as I browse through the books. Javier was at the far table, marking the tests from earlier, I miss the way all four eyes lifts.

I browse through more books, checking the spines again and stop. I pull the ladder from the far left and slowly climbs to the ladder.

"So what made you pick Spanish?"

I jump, dropping the book in my hand. I gasp, thankful for Javier's quick reflexes. His pink eyes hold mine, book in hand and I sigh, removing my headphones before stepping off the ladder.

"Seriously Rios, you scared me half to death."

I don't miss the way he smirks "Well I am a scaring major after all."

I turn, already done with this conversation.

"So you don't want this?" I pause, slowly looking at him and my book. When I move my hand he lifts his "you want the book it requires an answer Chica."

I pause, crossing my arms -well the best I could in my letterman jacket.

"Why do you care?"

This time his hand lowers "you intrigue me. There aren't many monsters that can shake Johnny and we seem to keep meeting each other."

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