Chapter 6: Three times in twenty-four hours?

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(Sophia's POV)

"Hey!" Randell whines as I snatch the book from his hands.

"Rest!" I answer back, snatching up the paper off the desk "Do not read, watch TV, text, listen to music, play video games, or perform any other mental task. You need to rest! Both your body and your mind."

I place a bookmark in the book, shut it between my fingers, place it in the bookshelf, and give Mike a wicked slap on the head.

"Owwwwwwwwww!" Mike whimpers, sounding like I'd been beating him with a bag of grapefruit for about twenty minutes.

"Oh, come on. You knew what I meant when I asked you to watch him. And Mike, this was NOT what I meant."

I motion to the book that's in his hands. Mike was facing away from Randell, nose buried in a book and six others on his desk. Sometime in the five hours I was in there room Mike voiced his opinion and distaste about my bother and swore to prove both him and Johnny wrong. Devoting his time to studying and nothing else. I've tried to deter him. Stating that it takes more than knowledge to be a scarer and the brain can only hold so much information before it becomes a repetitive motion of wasting time but Mike was relentless.

"I didn't think one book would hurt." Mike groans, rubbing the spot again.

I sigh, throwing myself down beside Randell and pulling the smaller reptile to my body; Randell blushes but moves his head slightly to the left on my lap. Leaning over and pulling open the curtain, the shades sliding up and letting the light in. Now it's both males that groan, Mike shielding his eyes with the book and Randell with my shirt. I chuckle, leaning back comfortably in the sun.

"It's a beautiful day out." I sigh.

"It's burns!" Mike yells out "shut it off!"

By the end Mike's laughing more than talking and so are the rest of us as Mike sets down the book, stretching his sore shoulders.

"We should go out for a walk, come on." I sigh, leaning back again.

"I'm just supposed to relax, not walk around in the hot sun." Randell sighs, completely comfy on my lap "and I'm pretty sure hell would freeze over before you could separate Mike from that book."

"Hey!" mike yells defensively but any amount of complaining is drowned out by our laughter and soon even Mike is chuckling as well.

"You guy really don't want to go outside?" I ask, leaning to look at the bright sun, it was early, a little before seven thirty and most students were still in bed but even now the day was practically calling me outside "it's beautiful out."

I left the room by myself, a promise that Randell would join me when he could and Mike; well I received a half assed possibility as he shoved his face back in his book. I went into the elevator quietly and made my way down stairs. I doubted any of the students would be up right now; the amount of drinking I witnessed last night could kill half the student body, if it hasn't already. Unlike last night the wind seemed to die down, warming up enough so the sun wasn't scalding to the touch and made this blessed morning even sweeter. I turned deciding to walk around campus, each of the booths from yesterday's festival were still out. Empty of course but would be used once again until freshman week was over. Still, for all the partying the campus felt peaceful.


It was so quiet at first I thought I'd imagined it. I came to a halt, just listening. I had wandered over to the more abandoned part of campus. An area set off for another building that had yet to be started. Most of the area was marked off, barred off by metal gates as the ground had holes in it for the base of the building. Most students stayed away from the area, focusing more on the school buildings and restaurants around campus but a few students sneaked off to have sex. A fact only proven as in the ten minutes I've went through this area I've seen about twenty condoms of all shapes and sizes littering the ground. I stood there weary, wondering if I'd unknowingly wandered into someone's love making but the sounds weren't moans of pleasure but rather pain.

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