chapter 14: Hey kid.

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Despite my rocky first week classes were a pleasant change. I sat on the left side of the stairs, allowing me to be close to the front of the classroom but also the stairs. History of English. I flip open the first page of the book, feeling the warmth of the Omega Howl jacket around my shoulders. I block out a few giggles around the room, the pink puffy skirts telling me all I needed to know and focus on the board.

The subjects were simple introductions, meaning the class was easy. A refresher course of high school. Or at least the stuff they would have taught there... I feel something tap my shoulder and turn, looking at the ball of paper at my feet. I follow the line up a few seats and see the pink skirts from before. They were nodding to the paper ball, laughing quietly as they encouraged me to open it. I eyed the teacher. Her back was turned to the board and lean down slightly awkwardly to grab it.

I unfold the crumpled paper.
Frat party tonight, you coming? – Britney
was scrawled in neat penmanship.
I glance back at her oddly, watching that cheerful smile not falter once. My eyes fall on the teacher and grab my pen.
Isn't the frat party tonight for Greek members only? – Sophia
I ball up the paper, watching my aim and toss it at back up. Britney easily catches the paper, unfolding it. She smiles, scribbling something down.
Well considering you have a jacket I'd say you were one. Wouldn't you?
I glance at the wording twice, noticing the small numbers beside the message figuring it was most likely her number. I jump as a second ball hits my arm. I look back, watching Britney actually cover me mouth to stifle the laughter.
I grab the second note It's up to you, but let me know if you're coming! The party starts at nine at ROR.
There was an impressive number of smiley faces added at the end of the page making me wonder how long she'd been writing it.

I pause, looking at the last part of the message. ROR. That was Johnny's house. My last outburst echoed through my mind and I cringe slightly. 'I worked my ass off to get here and if that's not enough then screw you!' 

I had to admit it wasn't my finest moment but it was the first time I'd actually stood up for myself. I had no doubt mother would be furious at that one...

Class ended shortly after that, allowing people to clear their books. Even though I was on the outside I was one of the last people to leave the room, quietly pondering my choices as I made my way through the quad.


I turn, taking in purple scales "Oh, hey Randell."

"You okay?" I open my mouth but the words wont budge, simply dying on my tongue. Randell seeing my hesitation sits on a near by bench "Do you wanna talk about it?" Randell simply listened, taking in my hesitations, fears, anger and confusion and after a few minutes speaks again "So now you're not sure how to approach him."

"I'm not sure how to approach any of them." I kick the ground lightly "I've spent my entire life doing what everyone else wanted, No was never a word in my vocabulary."

"Well, I guess I'd start with why you'd want to go."


"Well, you said that was the first time you stood up for yourself, right? You didn't do it to be mean you just wanted to stay at M.U., to be a normal university student" he shrugs lightly "If Britney invited you to the party..." I sigh nodding my head once "I'm not say you have to go and join a sorority but you're hesitating either way, why not find out why?"

"Why I'm hesitating..."

The concept felt so foreign. I had never been allowed to hesitate. I'd never been able to second guess myself or deviate from my path. Logic told me to ignore Britney, to focus on my studies like a good girl but I didn't want that. I didn't want to spend the next four years with my nose buried in a book.

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