Part 4, Aftermath

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[Friday Night]

The night of the dance. Everyone was getting the last touches finished, and Ava was doing sound checks.

Ava, talking to self: Okay, that works. Almost... There we go.

She had chosen a very interesting outfit. All black, with hood, pulled up, and black face mask. With the Alan Walker logo on it. Matt came over to her.

Matt: Everything good?

Ava: Yep. I think this is gonna go down really well.

He smiled, she was going to be okay tonight. The lights were turned out, but the party lights lit up the room. People started coming in, and Ava started the music. She smiled. Everyone seemed to like it so far.

Let's see if we can keep this going the whole time.

Ava had pushed all thoughts of Benjamin and Syntec out of her head. At least... for now. She needed to keep the focus on the good things if she wanted to keep a good party mood going.

[Hour Later]

Ava was happy with the songs, and so was everyone else, but she was getting a little bored. She sighed and leaned against the wall. She closed her eyes, just for a moment.

Nick: Want a friend?

She jumped a little, her eyes swirling with a little red from the adrenaline. Ava playfully glared at him.

Ava: Nick! You scared me!

Nick smiled and slung an arm around her shoulders.

Nick: Sorry, didn't mean to. Honest.

Ava rolled her eyes.

Ava: Yeah, right.

She sighed, leaning into his chest a little.

Ava: I can't believe how well this is going.

Nick smiled.

Nick: See? You got worried for no damn reason.

She playfully shoved him. He laughed, and they continued to watch all their friends and co-workers enjoying the party. But, unwanted thoughts and reminders always manage to ruin a perfect night. Even if it's days later.

[Three Days Later]

Ava still was upset. The others were getting worried about her. Nick and Nova were heading to Blue Base to meet with the others about their concerns.

Nova: Okay, out with it.

Nick looked at her perplexed.

Nick: What do you mean?

Nova rolled her eyes, as she opened the door to Blue for him.

Nova: Don't play dense, Nick. Clearly, something's bothering you.

Nick, under breath: Damn the twin bond thing.

Nova smiled.

Nova: Ava?

Nick sighed, annoyed.

Nick: I mean... That's what this meeting with everyone but Ava is about. Duh.

Nova just rolled her eyes, and they walked into the HQ.

Matt: Nick. Nova.

No one was sitting, everyone was too tense.

Matt: I think we all know why we're here.

Woods nodded.

Woods: Ava.

Sam: So... What are our thoughts on... this?

Everyone was quiet for a minute.

Nate: I noticed something.

Everyone turned to him.

Nate: Her eyes. Do we remember them glowing red?

Nova: We know they could change to red, she showed us that at her 'welcome home' party.

Nate shook his head.

Nate: No. The other day. They glowed. Lit up. Illuminated.

Everyone looked at him confused.

Nick pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight.

Nick: You mean like this?

He pointed at the light. Nate nodded. Everyone shared a concerned look.

Sam: Maybe it's just Ben's words worming their way through her head, like messin' with her mind?

Matt: That's what I'm thinking. And that's what worries me.

Nova: Are you thinking that Ben messed with her head, and has her confused?

Matt nodded.

Woods: I think... I think she just needs to be reassured that... That you're still her dad.

Nick: That we're still her family.

The others murmured agreement.

Matt: Okay, so basically what we're agreeing on is; just be there for her, let her get past this on her own? Do I have this right?

Everyone nodded.

Matt: Okay. Let's do this.

Everyone got up, knowing that it would take some time. They headed back to their jobs.

As Nick and Nova headed into their office...

Nova: So, did you ever get that essay done?

Nick, guilty: Uh... I was busy worrying about Ava.

Nova, mom voice: Nick!

Nick: What? My friend means more to me than schoolwork!

Nova, shouting: That friend isn't going to be able to get you to graduation if you pay more attention to them than your homework!

Ava felt anger boiling up inside. Benjamin's words had hit a cord a few days ago, and now the twins were arguing. Ava felt the last straw snap, and she rushed out of her office.

Ava, furious: Oh for God's sake, stop screaming!

She slammed her fist against the door... and it clattered to the floor. Nick and Nova stared at her in shock. Ava's hands shook.

Mike, softly: I'll explain to Matt. If I need to, I'll take the blame.

Ava shook her head, leaning against the couch behind her for support.

Ava, shaking: No. He's... my dad. Whatever happens, it's my fault.

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now