Part 17, Phantoms

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Benjamin was pacing the room.

Nelson: She'll be fine. Her side was resealed, her vitals are normal, and Lacy didn't get a single drop of serum into Ava's body. Relax.

Ben glared at Nelson.

Benjamin: And if this was Nova? Or Nick?

Nelson sighed.

Nelson: Alright. But, I still don't get why you care about her. She hates you. And, by all rights, you should too.

Benjamin sighed, and gently brushed a piece of hair off of Ava's face.

Benjamin: I guess, it's a sympathy thing.

Nelson: Sympathy?

Benjamin: Never mind. It's not that important, sir.

Nelson, intrigued: No. Continue.

Benjamin shook his head.

Benjamin: It's not that important. Besides, I'm sure Lacy is still waiting for her punishment from earlier.

Nelson nodded, understanding he wasn't going to get an answer from Ben. He left, leaving Benjamin alone with Ava.

After Ava had passed out, Benjamin carried her to the examination room. From there, medics figured out that the high speeds had ripped her side open again. They had closed it up, with special glue that would withstand the speeds she would be achieving. Once they had finished, they put her on an IV, and she had been sleeping since. 

But it had been hours ago. The test had been done at 6:33. Ben had brought her up here at 6:38. And it was now 9:34 am. Benjamin was beginning to get a little concerned.

Aw, you do care.

Benjamin, stunned: You're awake?

Ah.. no. Not really. My brain is regaining consciousness. Pain, ow. Shit, that hurts. Ah! Brain!

Uh... Are you okay?

*Sighs* Like I said. Regaining consciousness. I don't have full control of my thoughts yet.

Oh boy.

Welcome to my life.

Now I remember why I hated having you as my kid.

Fuck you.

Ben smiled. Even though he claimed to hate Ava, she had done a lot to make him proud. Even if he didn't understand half of it, he was still proud of her.

How are you feeling?

I'm going to let my brain lose control for a couple of seconds. Ow! Side, pain. Shit! OW!

Okay, that answers my question.

Yeah, I know. Ben..?


Did I really go 90mph?

Yes. 91.45.

Oh, man.

Why did you fall? When running?

I don't know, Ben. I guess I got ahead of my feet, or something. I did that when chasing Lacy. Falling, I mean.

Hmm. And yet... going those high speeds doesn't seem to hurt you.

Why am I not surprised you turned this back to the damned experiment bullshit? But yeah. I don't get massively destroyed when I crash. Maybe that's the serum protecting me from the high speeds?

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now