Part 6, 60 Miles Per Hour

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[Wednesday, Red Base, Sound Stage]

Matt had come up with an idea. Play a game of tag, just like the good old days. Woods's leg was still healing, so he was the ref. And Matt was It.

Woods: Ready? Set? Go!

Everyone took off, racing away from Matt.

Nick: Come and get me, old man!

Matt, mock offended: Old man?!

He went after Nick, then veered off after Ava.

Ava: Oh, no!

She broke into a run, glancing over her shoulder with a smile.

Wait. Why is everything getting all blurr-

She slammed into the wall with an echoing *thud*.

Woods and Sam: Oh, my God!

Nick and Matt: Ava!

She slowly pulled herself into a sitting position and the others helped her up.

Matt, worried: Are you okay?

Ava managed a nod.

No. Pretty sure I just went like 60mph. I'm not okay, damn it.

Nova: How'd you do that?

Everyone's concerned chatter vanished. Ava glared at the floor.

Ava, bitterly: I think we can easily guess how I did that.

Woods: The fourth Expiration.

Nate: Do we have a way to see how fast she went?

Sam: Yeah! That speedometer thingy!

Woods: I can go get that if ya want.

Matt: If we're going to test the speed, we better do that outside.

Nick glanced at Ava, noting her bitter look.

Maybe that's just from smacking into the wall? Hopefully.

Woods left, and the others headed to a deserted part of the parking lot. Ava went to the end of the drive and waited for Woods to join the others with the speedometer. Nick and Matt stood, tense with arms crossed. Matt; was worried that his daughter would hurt herself. Nick; had a feeling that she wasn't as happy about having all these cool abilities as she made it out to be.

Woods held the speedometer up.

Woods: Ready? Set? Go!

Ava took off, creating a wind gust as she went by. She began to slow down, turned around, and walked back to them.

Ava, mumbling: How fast, Woodland?

Everyone gathered around Woods.

Woods: 50 miles per hour.

Everyone began talking all at once. Ava stepped away from the others, stunned.

I just... I just...

Ava stood off to the side, trying not to cry. Nick glanced at her and slipped away from the group. He gently wrapped his arm around her shoulders, as tears began to slide down her cheeks.

Nick, softly: It's okay. It'll be okay.

She turned to him, crying softly into his chest. He gently wrapped his arms around her, shielding her in his embrace.

Matt looked around, wanting to talk to Ava. Then, he noticed her and Nick hugging. He caught Nick's eye and raised an eyebrow. But the look on Nick's face made him think. He stepped away from the others, and over to them. Ava turned her head and saw her dad coming toward her and Nick, his face serious.

Ava, whispering: Shit.

Nick gently rubbed the back of her head in a comforting way.

Nick, whispering: It's alright. I'll explain.

Ava shook her head.

Ava: I got it. Thanks, though.

She fully turned around.

Matt: Are you really okay, Ava?

She blinked. That was not the question she was expecting.

Ava, stammering: I-I guess.

Matt, angrily: Then what was that whole hugging thing you were doing with Nick, just now?

She looked at him, trying to figure out what he meant. Was he thinking she and Nick were...? She glanced over his shoulder, seeing the others coming over.

Great. Let's just make a big fucking show over Ava again!

Sam: What's going on?

Matt turned to face her, angrily.

Matt: These two decided to have a snuggle party just now!

Nick and Ava's faces turned to stone when Matt gestured to them. The others looked at them, shocked and confused. Ava stepped forward.

Ava, icily: You're making awful fast judgments. You didn't even let me state my case.

Matt whipped around to face her.

Matt: I think I have all the evidence I need!

Nick: Really?!

Nick stepped between Matt and Ava.

Nick, defensively: Because from what I'm seeing, you came over, accused us, and that's been it!

Nick's usual blue eyes started turning bright green. Ava, Nova, and Nate tensed.

Nick: You know, other than the looks, right now, I feel like I'm talking to Nelson!

Everyone went silent, eyes wide in shock and terror. Matt's face paled. Then anger coursed into his veins, and his eyes turned unnaturally blue.

Matt: Oh really? Says the one who's his SON!

Ava saw Nova's green eyes turn blue, and Nate's gray eyes turn silver. She closed her own, fighting the extreme power within.

I'm not letting this family get torn apart just because of me!

Nova: Nick!

Ava's eyes snapped open to see Nick throw a punch at Matt. Matt caught it. Ava struggled to not lose control.

Ava, lowly: Stop it.



Everyone's head snapped toward Sam. She didn't need glowing serum eyes to scare the living shit outta them. Her brown eyes, sharp with anger, did it just fine.

Sam, authoritatively: HQ. Now.

They all nodded, changing their eyes back to normal, and slowly, like kids who had just gotten yelled at by Mom, walked to Blue Base. Ava lagged, feeling like it was all her fault. 

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now