Part 11, Trapped

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[Location: Syphus]

Ava had parked in a lot not too far from the location. She stood at the door, nervous.

You're sure you want to do this? You can still turn back. No. I will never be normal. The least I can do is give them a normal life.

She took a breath and pulled on the door. No surprise, it was unlocked.

Ava: Well. Here I go.


Nick sat in front, arms crossed. Everyone was tense. Sam and Woods remembered Location 3 and weren't looking forward to this. But everyone's focus was on Matt and Nick. Matt sighed.

Matt: I know you care about her, Nick.

Nick was silent.

Matt: And not just as a friend.

Nick shifted, turning towards the window.

Matt: But...

Matt sighed, frustrated.

Nick, quietly: I know what you mean, Matt. And I'm grateful you understand my thoughts. But... I think I may have figured some things out. And, until I get confirmation of those things, I think it would be best to just treat this as a rescue and recovery mission and nothing else.

Silence fell over the car. A few minutes later, they found a place to park.

Nova: There!

She pointed and they could see Ava's Mountaineer in the next lot over.

Woods: We're in the right spot.

Matt: Come on.

They followed after him, wanting to just find Ava and get out of there. This place was not in the safest part of town. They found a small, rusty door leading into a building.

Sam: That looks like it.

Matt sighed and gave it a good tug. It opened, leading to a set of stairs down.

Woods: Yay. More stairs leading down into an underground bunker.

Everyone managed a tense chuckle, then headed down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, there was another door. As they stepped inside the next door, Woods set a brick on the floor. Matt looked at him curiously.

Woods: So we don't get locked in again.

Matt nodded, and they turned to face the labyrinth.

Nova: Okay. Which way first?

Nick: Straight?

They headed into the unknown.

Ava had been walking for a while now, maybe half an hour? And she thought she was close when she saw a massive room with a TV screen. But there were voices behind her. Ava jumped into an opening in the wall, waiting for whoever to pass.

Sam: Are we sure she's even down here?

Ava blinked, then jumped out from the opening.

Ava, confused: Guys?

Everyone jumped and turned.

All: Oh, my God! You scared me!

Ava crossed her arms at them.

Why are they here? They're going to ruin every--- thing.

The TV screen in the room right next to them lit up.

Ava, muttering: Shit.

She followed them into the room, and the doors slammed shut behind them. Nick glanced behind him.

Nick: Well. Hope we didn't have anywhere to go.

Sam turned to him.

Sam: Why...?

Ava, bitterly: We're locked in.

Suddenly the TV screen changed, and Nelson's face appeared.

Nelson: Well, well, well. Looks like I got more than I bargained for.

Ava shoved past the others, standing in front of them protectively.

Ava, defensively: Leave them out of it, Nelson. It's me you want. Let them go.

Nelson laughed.

Nelson: Now, why would I do that? I'm getting everyone, instead of just you.

Ava shook her head.

Ava: No, you're not.

Matt stepped towards her, confused.

Matt: Ava? What's he--?

Nelson: Ah! Something else she didn't tell you?

Ava, harshly: ENOUGH! What the hell do you want, Nelson? I know me but leave the others. Let them go!

Nelson smirked.

Nelson: Yeah, I'm thinking 'no.'

Ava felt a tingling in the air.


She looked at Nelson in horror.

Ava: You wouldn't.

Nelson: Oh, wouldn't I? Fill them with radiation, then serum? What better than that?

Ava could feel it getting stronger. She looked at them, seeing the terror on their faces. She turned to Nelson, determined to not let anything happen to her friends. Her family.

Ava, growling: That's ENOUGH!

She pulled a random marble out of her pocket, and chucked it at the TV screen, shattering it. She turned back to the others and closed her eyes. Not knowing what she was doing, she held her arms out to the sides, as though holding up a wall.

Sam: Ava?

Suddenly, Ava felt a heavy weight against her hands. It was strange. She could feel the radiation, yet... she couldn't. She briefly opened her eyes and saw a red force field thing surrounding them.

Ava, whispering: What the?

And her concentration slipped.


She closed her eyes again, pushing against the radiation outside the shield. She was straining to hold it back.

Ava, straining: Come... On!

Then, something burned against her chest.

The Absalate.

She inhaled and began to tap into it. She felt stronger, it was easier to hold off the radiation.

That's it. Now... Let's try...

She brought her arms in, then threw them out quickly. She felt a rush of wind, then nothing. She sagged to the ground, using a knee to keep herself upright. She opened her eyes, exhausted. The radiation was gone. So was the shield. The others were looking at her in wonder. But the wonder was fading into concern.

Come on, idiot. Get up. You need to. Get. Up!

She hauled herself to her feet, then stumbled. Someone grabbed her arm. She looked up, into deep blue eyes. Nick. As glad as she was to see him, she yanked her arm away.

Ava, grumbling: I'm fine. Come on. We need to go.

Leading the way, she ripped the doors off their hinges, and headed for the stairs, barely waiting for the others.

Woods: She's pissed, Matt.

Ava rolled her eyes, taking the stairs two at a time. She threw the door open and started for her car.

Ava, talking over her shoulder: I'll meet you at Spellbound HQ.

Matt wanted to go after her. She was just leaving? Nick grabbed his arm, yanking him towards the Tesla.

Nova: She said she'll meet us at HQ. Follow Nick, let's go!

The others were running to the car. Matt sighed and did the same.

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now