Part 7, Prisoner

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Sam went to the head of the table.

Sam: Okay. Everyone, please sit. This jury is now in session.

Woods and Nate cracked a smile. Matt went to speak, but Sam cut him off.

Sam: Matt, you may be our leader, but you are currently emotionally attached to this situation, and someone with a less attached view needs to lead this.

Matt pressed his lips together, nodded, and sat. Everyone else sat as well, but Sam remained standing.

Sam: Okay. First off, I wanted to hear Nick and Ava's side of the story first. Nick?

Nick sighed.

Nick: I- We were all talking about the speed thing, and I noticed that Ava wasn't with us, wasn't talking about it at all. Actually, she looked upset. And... I don't know, I guess... I guess I wanted to help her feel better. I didn't mean anything by it, just wanted to comfort my friend. That's all.

Sam and Matt nodded.

Sam: I see. Okay. Ava?

Ava was staring at her lap, a faint red glow illuminating her hands.

Ava, mumbling: Nick said it all.

Sam, perplexed: You don't have anything else to say?

Ava shook her head, and the others shared a worried look.

Nate: Is something bothering you, Ava?

She kept her gaze down.

Woods: You can tell us.

Ava shook her head.

Ava: It's nothing.

Nova: If it was nothing, you wouldn't have turned to someone for support.

Everyone nodded, murmuring agreement. Ava looked up, eyes still glowing.

Ava, slight warning: I said I was fine. Just, don't worry about it.

Sam knew better than to push it. She turned to Matt.

Sam, her voice staying calm: And Matt, what do you have to say?

Matt: Ava, you promised as my daughter we would talk. You said you wouldn't hide things. But you're hiding this. You didn't think you would go that fast, did you?

Ava nodded.

Ava, quietly: No. It felt... wrong.

Nova: Wrong how?

Ava: When I tapped into the serum powers, I... it felt dark. It... Never mind. You guys don't need to worry about it.

Matt stood up, and anger wrote itself across his face.

Matt: Last time you said something like that, you nearly died from it.

Ava stood and glared at him.

Ava: Well. If you're wanting me to expose everything in my life, I guess I better show you this!

She ripped a black cord off her neck and threw it to the table. The Absalate. 

She had been wearing it ever since she had accidentally knocked Nick and Nova's office door down. It seemed to help her keep a little better control. The others stared at it, laying on the table.

Matt, tightly: Where did you get this?

Ava, coldly: It survived the explosion.

Matt looked at her, betrayed.

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now