Part 14, We Had To

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[The Plateau, Tesla]

After the hugs, they watched Ava turn and walk away. They were a little hurt but understood why she didn't look back. They saw her stand in front of Lacy, tense.

Sam, whispering: This is so unfair.

Matt felt his throat constrict. Nick placed his hand on Matt's shoulder. Matt gave him a grateful smile.

What is he doing, comforting me? I should be comforting him.

No, Matt. That's your daughter. You need comfort too.

Matt stared at Nick in surprise and shock.

Nick, softly: I'll explain later. Honestly, I'm not exactly sure either.

They watched as Ava's face became annoyed with something Lacy said, then Ava sped to a car.

Woods: Wait.

Sam: Is that Ben?!

Nick and Matt shared a worried look.

Sure enough, two glowing red goggles lit up the dusky evening, and a figure in black opened the car door. Ava climbed in, the figure right behind her.

Nate: Shit.

Nova: Guys. He knows the effects the serum has. With that in mind, he might be able to...

Nick: Sis, while I know you mean well... It's not the time for it.

Nova nodded as they all watched the cars pull out. They weren't surprised by the fact there had been a bunch of phantoms, they were surprised that there had been so many new ones. Once all the cars finally left, they began to move. Slowly, they climbed into the Tesla and drove back to the studio in silence.

[The Studio]

They all got out, the atmosphere heavy. Nick placed a hand on Matt's shoulder. Matt pressed his lips together, then looked Nick in the eyes.

Matt: You wanna stay over?

Nick blinked, confused.

Nick: I mean... I can if you want.

The look on Matt's face wounded Nick. Nick realized that Matt needed support, someone.

Nick: Woods?

Matt turned to Woods.

Woods ran a hand through his hair.

Woods, mumbling: Yeah. I have no problem with it, bud.

Nick: Let me go grab my bag from my office, then I'll be ready.

Matt grabbed Nick's shoulder before he left. Matt gave Nick a grateful smile.

Matt, softly: Thank you.

Nick gave a small smile. Then he jogged to Red Base. Nova and Sam started heading toward Sam's car. Nate and Woods came out from Blue Base, after grabbing their stuff, and headed for their cars. Nick quickly put his stuff in his backpack, then rushed out the door. He found Matt standing alone, the others were already gone.

Nick, muttering: I can't blame them, but damn. Just leave a guy all alone like that.

He stepped up to Matt. Matt gave him a small smile, then started getting in the car. Nick went to the passenger side and climbed in. He saw Matt's face and wished there was something he could say. But...

What do you say to a man who lost his daughter, and got her back, just to lose her again? Especially when you're grieving yourself?

He couldn't help but run his fingers over the Absalate that lay against his chest as they drove away from the studio.

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now