Part 16, Testing, Testing

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[6:04 am]

Ava could feel a person coming toward her room. Someone with serum in their body. She pulled her earbud out, right as the door opened.

Ava, monotone: Benjamin.

Benjamin looked at her, taking in her unchanged appearance.

Benjamin: Did you not sleep?

Ava rolled her eyes.

Ava: You think a kid can sleep after being yanked outta her home? You are crazy.

Benjamin just looked at her, then grabbed her arm. Ava went with him, without a fight. He led her to an examination room.

Benjamin: Wait here. Lacy will be in soon. If she tries anything at all, without Nelson or I present... Let me know.

Ava just nodded. Benjamin left, then Lacy entered, with a scowl on her face.

Lacy: Alright, Ava. Just get up on the table.

Ava, annoyed: Just like old times, huh? Are you going to give me an ice cream sandwich afterward if I'm good?

Lacy's eyes clouded, trying to hide her anger. Ava just smirked. She had hit a nerve.

Lacy, icily: Listen up, Ava. I am being kind enough to let you keep all your stuff and make this place look like less of a hell hole.

Ava: Well you made it look like less of one, but it still is.

Lacy tried her very best to restrain herself.

Lacy: I have been kind enough to let you keep your stuff. But if you make me mad, I will not hesitate to take it all away and put you in a different room. Don't. Test. Me.

This worried Ava. Her dad would be furious at Lacy if she followed through on that threat. So would Nick. Everyone would be. This made her happy. It reminded her that everyone cared. And as long as she knew that, there was nothing that Lacy could do to scare her. And besides, Benjamin didn't want Lacy to do anything without them. So, at least there was a legitimate reason, in Lacy's book that is.

Uh, Ben...? I'm getting threats.

And? You're lucky she likes you. By now, if you were someone else, let's just say hell would've been unleashed.

You know what? You're nothing more than a pathetic asshole. And you wonder why I hate you. And why Deb wanted nothing to do with you. Although, she's a manipulative murderer. So, I guess she doesn't count, does she?

You fucking bitch.

Yes. You called?

Get the hell out of my head.


During that entire conversation, Ava climbed onto the examination table. She was surprised to not see an injector of serum lying nearby. All she saw was a couple of regular machines and that was it. Lacy hooked Ava up to them, Ava's heart rate beeping. Ava allowed the sounds to fade into the background. She was used to them. She laid back, closing her eyes.

Some of your choices, Ava, are so fucking stupid it's not funny. I'm well aware. And I'm so glad it's you telling me instead of Ben. Because at least then I can blame myself for this. Exactly.

She suddenly heard an evil chuckle, and her eyes flew open. Lacy stood over her, holding an injector.

Where the hell?

Ava: You... Lacy, this could screw up the whole experiment.

Lacy: Oh, highly unlikely. Maybe just add to it.

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now