Part 10, Bargain

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[Next Morning, 6 am]

Ava was already awake. Like she had been able to sleep after talking to Nick yesterday? She shoved everything back into her backpack, frustrated.

Ava, muttering: Damn it, Ava. You can't seem to do anything right, can you? First, you piss off your... *sigh* dad. Then you screw things up with the one other person who might talk to you. Oh well. Fuck it!

She slung it over her shoulder and checked her phone. There were at least 8 unread messages. All from Nick.

Ava, trying not to cry: Why couldn't things have stayed just the way they were? Why'd they have to fucking change?

With a frustrated growl, she turned her phone off and shoved it in her pocket.

Ava: Let's go see what else I can fuck up.

Without another thought, she shut the lights off and marched to her car.

[Lacy's House, 8:37 am]

Ava parked in front of a small house and pulled her backpack onto her shoulder.

Ava: Okay. This doesn't look sus at all.

With a sigh, she headed up the stairs and knocked. The door opened, revealing a platinum blonde with bright green eyes. If Ava hadn't known better, she'd thought it was Deb.

Lacy, warmly: Ava. I was wondering when you'd stop by.

Ava, icily: You clearly didn't get the memo that I'm well aware you're Nick and Nova's mom. You also didn't get the memo that I know you tried to poison everyone at my workplace, including my family.

Lacy's warm smile faded.

Lacy: I see. Come in, then. We have a lot to discuss.

Ava nodded and stepped in. The house didn't look like a psycho's house. It looked warm and cozy. All more reason Ava remained tense. Lacy sat at a small round table and a couple of chairs. Ava sat, eyes narrow. Lacy did the same, more relaxed.

Lacy: I'm assuming you came to make some sort of deal?

Ava smirked.

Ava: At least you understand my intentions.

Ava sat forward, smirk gone.

Ava: I want to make my conditions crystal clear.

Lacy grabbed a piece of paper, a pencil, and even a tape recorder.

Ava, dangerous: Whatever it is that I agree to, you will leave my family out of it. Matthew Fredrick and his family. Woodland Demars and his family. Samantha Fekete and her family. Your children, Nick and Nova. Nate, and everyone who has, is or will be working at Spellbound Studios or any future names it may have. Syntec Corporations, both underground and public will sever all connections to them and will cease harming them in any way, shape, or form. Do I make myself clear?

Lacy nodded.

Lacy: However, if they barge in, fully intentional, we will not be held responsible.

Ava nodded.

Ava: I won't hold that against you. But, at least let them know they are no longer part of Project: 863, or connected with Syntec. That way you can't just attack for no fucking reason.

Lacy: Understood.

She finished writing, then set the pencil down.

Lacy: Now. I'm sure you're expecting something outrageous.

Ava: Wouldn't be Syntec otherwise.

Lacy: Fair enough. But, since you are the only survivor of the Fourth Expiration--

Ava stiffened.

Lacy: -- of course, it's going to be outrageous. And, the Absalate is part of that.

Ava: I don't have it. If you didn't know, I also survived an explosion. That thing burned.

Lacy raised an eyebrow.

Lacy: I see. Well, go here. Nelson will pick you up.

Lacy handed Ava a note card with an address. Ava couldn't believe she was doing this. After all, she did to get her freedom six years ago, here she was going back.

Ava: Thank you.

Lacy: Just warning you now, it's a bit of a maze down there.

Ava quirked an eyebrow.

Ava: 'Down there'?

Lacy: Yes. Nelson seems to have a dramatic flair. It's similar to Location 3. My guess is he wants to feel like he won.

Ava rolled her eyes and left. Lacy watched her pull away, and down the road. No sooner had Ava turned the corner, than a black Tesla pulled up. Lacy smiled.

She opened the door before they even got out. A fairly tall man, with blue eyes and a beard, stormed over to her. An even taller, thin teen, with black hair and deep blue eyes quickly followed. Others got out, but she couldn't see them.

Nick: Where is Ava, Lacy?

Lacy, fake shock: Nick?

He glared at her, and Nova stepped forward.

Nick, irritated: Yes, yes. It's your twins you abandoned for some damn reason. Now. Where. Is. Ava?

Matt placed a hand on Nick's shoulder.

Matt, under breath: Calm down, bro.

Nick gave a quick nod but didn't look happy about it. Matt stepped towards Lacy.

Matt: But, where is Ava?

Lacy shook her head with a smile.

Lacy: I'm feeling generous. Here.

She handed them a note card with the same address she gave Ava.

Lacy: She'll be here.

Nick glared at her.

Nick, threatening: She better be.

Without another word they left. Lacy smirked, pulling out her phone.

Lacy: Tell Nelson we're getting more than just one test subject. We're getting seven.

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now