Part 13, Surrender

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[Half Hour Later, Plateau]

Nick, gently: Ava. Wake up, Ava.

Her eyes fluttered open.

Woods, grim: We're here. Unfortunately.

Ava let out a depressed sigh. The others couldn't offer any words of comfort. It was too difficult. Without a word, they all started getting out. Ava slung her backpack over her shoulder and pulled her hair out of the ponytail. Her long hair was fully black now. The wind was strong, making the night even moodier than it already was.

Ava looked at her friends. No. Her family. Tears filled her eyes but didn't run down her cheeks. Without a word, she went around hugging them all, starting with Woods. Sam. Nate. Nova. Then she came to Nick and Matt. With a sudden sob, she grabbed them both, wrapping them in a powerful hug.

Ava, crying, softly: I can't let you two go.

Matt, crying: You don't have to.

Nick, softly: We'll always be here for you, Av. No matter what happens.

Matt slowly pulled away. Nick held Ava close for a moment, then planted a soft kiss on her forehead. He gave her a small smile. She returned it. Ava slowly pulled herself away from Nick, and left the others, without a glance back. Lacy was waiting just twenty feet away. Ava had no idea if the others could see, but there were phantoms surrounding them, ready to move at a moment's notice.

Wait. Shit. Is that Ben? God damn it.

Ava stopped in front of Lacy, with a depressed scowl.

Ava: So, it's certain then? I hand myself over to Syntec, and all of Syntec leaves Project: 863 and Spellbound alone?

Lacy nodded.

Lacy: Correct. Now, Benjamin will lead you to the car, and we shall go.

Ava, defensively: I can walk. I don't need him.

Lacy smirked.

Lacy: Then, I'm afraid, you'll have to do this the hard way.

Ava: Fuck you.

Without another word, Ava tapped into her speed, and raced away, suddenly standing next to the car that Benjamin was next to.

Ava, sarcastic: Can I get in now, or do I have to wait for you?

Benjamin quietly opened the door for her. She climbed in, setting her backpack on her lap. With a deep sigh, she leaned her head against the window, staring at the darkness. She let the world around her fade, and the sound of people leaving, car doors slamming and voices drifted out of her mind. As much as she wanted to cry over all she had lost, she wasn't about to give them the satisfaction of that. They weren't worth it.

The Absalate was safely hidden under Nick's jacket. She felt like a hole had been torn through her. But, considering all that had happened in a mere sixteen years, she just chalked it up and moved on. Letting herself fall into self-pity wasn't going to help her any. But...

I'll still miss them.

She let out a breath, then closed her eyes.

Benjamin glanced over at Ava, who had fallen asleep. He smirked under his mask. She was more like him than she would ever admit. But, then again, she had never met the man he used to be. The man she was like. Yet, she was like the new Benjamin too. Capable of instilling fear, and being impulsive, yet...

She doesn't use it to her advantage. She seems to despise it. I don't understand her.

He gazed over her long, black hair that covered her like a blanket. The same shade as his. And he knew her eyes. They were brown, but when she showed her true power... They were his eyes. Red. A fierce color.

Ava Cobalt; This Isn't Over Yet [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now