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Calum POV

So Addy said she'd date me. Why? I don't know. She's known me for two weeks, but whatever. She's cute.

Today is Wednesday, March 25. The boys and I are planning on taking Addison laser tagging with Mali. So it could be three on three.

Now I'm not sure if Addy has ever gone laser tagging before, but what the hell. She'll learn.

I personally love laser tagging. Mali likes it, and the boys love it as well. Michael is the best at it, he would dominate if it was him against us.

And that's why he's on our team. I am going to make sure it's me, Mike, and Addy on a team.

I haven't seen Addy since the day we started dating. We've texted, but the boys and I have been writing and recording, she's been doing something. I'm ready to see here.

I walk up to her door and knock on it. The boys and Mali are down in Luke's car. His car only fits five, so Addy is sitting on my lap. Addy opens the door and her eyes widen.

"You didn't tell me you were coming over," She says.

"Wow, hi, Calum, so nice to see you!" I tease her. She rolls her eyes.

"Well, it's not nice to see you, or else I would have said so," She shots back.

I gasp, "You just broke my heart."

"I have some glue if you need it."

"Ha ha. Get dressed and put your shoes on."


"The boys and I are taking you laser tagging," I say and she runs up to her room, I think. I follow after her.

"All of you?"

"Yes, ma'am," I say. We get into her room and she starts searching through her closet.

"How long do I have?"

"I would say around two minutes."

"Wow, you're great at giving me time to get ready," She says.


"Never mind. Luckily for you, I played three sports while in high school and almost every sports practice interlaced. I am the queen of changing quickly," She holds up two shirts. "Which one?" I point to the left and she rips off her shirt.

"Woah, that was unexpected," I say.

"Yeah, I also didn't have time to get to the locker rooms, so I just did it. I was very popular at my school."

"I wonder why," I sarcastically say.

"Sometimes I would have a group of boys waiting there for me to change. One time I even made eight dollars from it."

"You practically set yourself up to be a stripper."

"Eh, I didn't mind. I was making sure I wasn't late to practice so then I wouldn't have to run laps. It really did save time," She finished putting on her shoes. She grabbed her phone and put in her pocket, along with some money.

"I'm just happy you're sharing the love," I tease. She hits me laughing and we walk out of the door. When we get to the car, I stop her. "I forgot to mention, my sister is coming." Addy nods and we climb in the car.

"That was fast, it would have taken me years," Mali says.

"She was very popular at school," I say. Addy hits me again and I laugh. Everyone questions this, but I shrug it off. Then I notice the seating arrangements. "Mali, why are you on Michael?"

Secret Love (C.H) - Book One Of The Song SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now