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Addison POV

On April the twenty-second, Luke knocks on my door. I open it, confused.

"How may I help you dearest friend?" I ask him.

"I'm going to cut right to the point," He says. Wait, what? Whenever someone says that, it literally scares the hell out of me. "Do you have a crush on Calum?"

That surprised me, but I knew I had to play it off. "What? No, of course not. We're friends. Why are you wondering?"

"You two seem really touchy feely and you're always flirting and you look at him like you do, so I was just wondering. Like, are you sure you don't have that slightest feelings?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sure."

"I think he likes you, too. He's doing the same things I mentioned earlier. Except it's more for him. He's always looking at you and touching your hair."

Luke keeps talking and I'm honestly just urging to get him out. I need to talk to Calum. So I make up a plan to get him away.

"Okay, listen. I've noticed that, but I don't think it's because he likes me. Is he usually like this to a girl?"

"Yeah, I guess. Just on a lesser level."

"See, it just who he is. There is absolutely nothing going on between either of us. I don't like him, and he doesn't like me. It's a mutual feeling of friendliness. Alright?"

"Alright," He says hesitantly.

"Okay. Thank you for coming in here, but I have cramps so if you could give me space, that'd be great," I announce, crawling into bed.

"Oh, um, okay. I-I'll just, go. Bye, Ad," Luke awkwardly says and walks away. I wait until he leaves to crawl out of bed.

To Cal-Pal:

get up here NOW!

To Cal-Pal:

But don't make it obvious.

From Cal-Pal:

Why what's happening?

To Cal-Pal:

I need to talk to you.

From Cal-Pal:

Is it bad?

To Cal-Pal:


From Cal-Pal:

Shit. I'll be up there.

Moments later, I hear a soft knock on the door. I yell to come in, and then he does.

"Hey, what's happening?" He asks. He gives me a quick kiss before I explain everything to him.

"Luke is on to us," I whisper.


"He thinks we like each other!"

"Well, we do. At least I hope."

"Of course we do. But because we can't let him know that, I denied it all. He said that we're always touching each other and staring at each other. I said you only did that because you are naturally a touchy person. I denied everything," I explain to him. He widens his eyes, showing to me he's surprised.

"Okay, so now what? We need to turn it down?"

"That's exactly what we need to do. It's not like we can't be around together and stop it completely because that's not at all what I'm saying. I'm saying we need to stop being very touchy. You get what I mean?"

"Yeah, I get it. I understand. I'm not happy about it, but I understand."

"I'm not happy either, but we have to do it if we want to keep this a secret."

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Ashton is on to us, too," Calum says.

"What?" I exclaim. "How could you forget something like this?"

"I'm sorry. But Ashton has a theory that I have a crush on you," Calum explains.

"Did he mention anything about me liking you? When was this?"

"Yesterday. And no, it was just me."

"Okay, so he's onto you, but both of us. But I'm sure Luke will talk to him about it. They'll talk and trade theories and fuck up our system. Luke will convince him."

"I completely agree. So what do we do?" Calum asks.

"Just stop being so touchy. The same plan as before," I tell him. "Has Michael said anything?"

"No, no, never. Michael has been as silent as a fucking rat."

"Are rats silent?"

"I don't know, but it doesn't really matter. Michael hasn't said anything."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. One hundred percent positive," Calum says, nodding his head in certainty. I trust Cal, and I trust Mike. So I believe him.

"Okay. There is a positive side to this," I mention.

"What is that?"

"They haven't caught on that we're dating. It's only that we like each other. So the relationship is still a secret, but our feelings aren't. That's good, because that's what should really be secretive. The relationship was the original plan," I tell Calum. He seems to be understanding.

"Okay. The boys are gonna get suspicious. So, I'm gonna go back downstairs. How about, in a few you follow me?" Calum suggests.

"Wonderful. Good. Great. Way to go, Cal, way to go. I'll see you there soon," I say to him as he walks out my door. I sigh, trying to release some of this stress. After brushing my hair, using the bath room, blah dada dada, I follow Calum's instructions and I walk downstairs. All the boys are in the living room watching Orange is the New Black on Netflix.

"Hey, Ads," Michael says. They're all wrapped together and they're no room for me to sit.

"Hi, Mike. Is there room so I could sit?" I politely ask.

"You know what, Ad, there's not much room. You could always sit on one of our laps, though. None of us would mind," Luke says, with a devious smirk. I glance at Calum who's already looking at me. I realize I can't sit on his lap, so I hesitantly walk to Ashton and sit there. Ashton throws his arms around my waist.

"Aw, thanks, Addy. I feel so loved," Ashton says. He rests his head on my back.

"No problem, Ash," I say, faking a smile. I glance at Luke once. They're going to try to get us together, I know it. But our secret will interfere. (We're already together.)

A/N: I know it's been a while and I'm sorry.

UPDATE! Ugh it's like 2:30 in the morning

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

Secret Love (C.H) - Book One Of The Song SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now