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Calum POV

It's Saturday, May 16, and Mali wants to meet up. Of course, I agree, because she's my sister and I love her.

Of course, I agree to meet her for fro yo. (Because honestly, who doesn't love fro yo?) It's noon, and I'm waiting for her to arrive. She should have been here fifteen minutes ago, but I have decided to forgive her. (Plus, I was too. Oops.)

As if on cue, my sister walks through the door, causing the little bell to ring. "Hey, Calum, nice to see you," Mali says.

"Likewise," I say, smiling. I stand up to hug her, then we both sit down. The shop is set up like a salad bar; there's a line with different cup sizes and types of ice cream, then it has toppings. I've eaten frozen yogurt with my sister plenty of enough time to know just what she likes. So, when I first arrived, after realizing she wasn't here, I got both her and I our yogurt.

"Aw, you knew what I liked. Wait, did you eat out of my cup?" She questions, getting suspicious.

"Oh of course I did," I answer. She rolls her eyes at me. "Okay, why did you want to see me? Like, not that I love you everything, but we talk all the time."

"I just wanted to see my little brother in the flesh. Texting isn't the same," she tells me. But, she continues: "And I have reason to believe you're dating Allison." She says that last part quickly.

"Mali! Why do you think that?" I exclaim quietly.

"Luke and Ashton told me you might be. I agree with them," she explains.

"Couldn't you have chosen a more secret location to talk?" I ask her. "Ya know, where there aren't eyes and ears everywhere?"

"You're right, I'm sorry. Here, follow me to my car." We walk out of the restaurant and Mali leads me to where she parked her Mini Cooper. Luckily, I think we think we managed to avoid any possible snoopers.

While in the car, Mali tells me what the real purpose behind this meeting was.

"It started about a week ago when I called you just to talk," She starts. "Luke answered, and told me that you were in shower. Then, he continued to tell me about Addison. He thought that you two have feelings for each other. When Ashton walked in the room and learned what was happening, he wanted in, too. I wanted to learn more about the "relationship". We devised this plan to go undercover and meet with you. This was the meeting."

"Why are you telling me this? Aren't you supposed to be undercover?" I ask her.

"Yes, but on the way here, I thought about it. I was about to spy on you! Spying on your little brother is wrong. So, if there is anything you would like to share with me, please do so, but I'm asking as your sister, not as a spy."

I sigh, knowing I couldn't lie to her. "Okay, I'll tell you this, but you can't tell the boys!"

"Oh, there is something going on! Tell me everything!" She says in an eager sing song voice.

"Ads and I are in secret relationship," I tell her. I wait before her screaming to seize before I continue. "It started about six weeks ago."

"I ship you two! Wait, why is it a secret?"

"The boys and I made a pact to not get in a relationship so we can focused on our music. I don't want them knowing that I've broken it," I explain.

"Makes sense. Why isn't Michael suspicious about the two of you?"

"Because he already knows about us. He walked in on us -well, you know," I say, getting embarrassed.

"You slept with her?"

"No! He walked in on us kissing!"

"Why didn't you just say that?"

"You're my sister! It's gross!"

"Really? Because I can tell you about this one guy I dated once. He was the worst kisser, like he-"

"Alright I'm done. I'm going home. Enjoy your frozen yogurt."

"Enjoy your girlfriend," she says, smirking. I roll my eyes, getting out of the car. "Wait, Cal." I turn back around. "I love you."

"I love you, too." I continue walking out to my car.


Once back home, I immediately find Addy. She looks worried by my urgent manner, but I must get this out.

I tell her about what I told Mali. I also told her about the boys' suspicion and how it was larger than we originally thought.

She seemed pretty okay that Maki knows. She didn't really care that my sister knows. Of all people, my sister is the person we want to know.

She was more worried about Luke and Ashton. She kept freaking out because she thinks their gonna learn and the band will break up and it'll be all her fault. (Which definitely wouldn't be true, but I didn't dare interfere.)

"Aha!" She yells, "I've got it! We gave a big fight to make it seem like we hate each other!"

"Do you think it work?"

"I wouldn't share the idea if I didn't."

We sit, and begin planning the "big argument". The affair will happen next, on the twenty-third. Until then, we are to act like we are super annoyed by each other's actions. Just to build up the argument, ya know?

It's fool-proof.

A/N: yes, you may burn me on the stake for taking six weeks to update.

I'm sorry I've been super busy and ugh.

I'm going as a panda for Halloween!

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

Secret Love (C.H) - Book One Of The Song SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now