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Addison POV

That following day, it's a lovely morning on the day of April the nineteenth. The birds are chirping, I feel alive and well rested, the window is open and blowing fresh ai-

But then fucking Calum had to ruin it.

"Ads, I know you're upset, but let me in," He begs. I stomp to the door and share open it. Staring up at Calum, I glare at him.

"You know, some people were trying to enjoy their day without their annoying boyfriend ruining it," I say quietly.

"Addison, just listen to me," Calum begs.

"Why should I? You obviously don't trust me."

"Addison, shut the fuck up and listen to the damn boy! He's pitiful!" Michael yells from downstairs.

"Where are Luke and Ashton?" I ask Calum.

"Sleeping, thank God. Can I come in?" I sigh and step back, letting him in. "Okay, Addison, I just came to apologize. I shouldn't have punched Michael. He wasn't doesn't anything wrong, and neither were you. You were just talking to a friend, I should have understood that. I promise I will work on my jealousy. Michael isn't mad at me anymore, the boys put it behind them. It's just you, Addy. Please forgive me, I truly am sorry."

I back away from my boyfriend. I walk backwards to my bed, where I sit down. I think about it for a few seconds.

I mean, he does seem sorry. If he's jealous, that just means he cares, right? He cares about me. He's not saying I can't talk to Michael.

Plus, Michael is the one with the bruised face. If he's okay with Cal, as his girlfriend, I should be, too.

And I am so tired of being locked in this damn room.

"Alright, I forgive you," I say, causing Calum to beam.

"Oh, thank you so much! I hate it when you're mad at me. I can't go through that again," Calum says, hugging me tightly. I smile at how happy Calum is.

When we pull apart, Calum starts to lean in. When he's decreased the distance between our lips by half, he stops. Instead of completely decreasing the distance and kissing me, he pulls away.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

"I was just uncertain. Can-can I kiss you?"

"Calum, you're my boyfriend. You can kiss me whenever the hell you want."

"I just wanted to make sure you were okay with it. We just made up, ya know?"

"It's sweet that you wanted to make sure. You care about how I feel, and I appreciate that," I say sweetly. I honestly was not expecting that answer. It's a nice surprise.

"That's good, right? That's what girls like, right?"

"Yes, Calum. Girls like it when guys care about their feelings," I say, getting impatient. Just kiss me already. I was being deprived, now this is just torture.

"Okay, good. Bec-"

"Shut up and kiss me," I interrupt. He cheekily smiles and finally leans in. Our lips connect and my heart explodes. (Not literally that would be hella bad.)

There's a knock on the door, and with a groan I open it. An over excited Ashton is standing there. "Guess fucking what?" He yells.


"Hayley Williams followed me on Twitter! Woohoo!" He yells. "Oh, can u come in for a second?" My eyes go wide. I turn around and look at Calum who is also freaking out.

"Go hide!" I mouth. Calum shoots up, looking for a place to hide. Then, I turn back to Ashton. "Give me a second, I want to finish doing something." I shut the door on his face.

"Where am I gonna go?" Calum whisper-yells.

"I don't know, the closet?"

"No, it's too small. Oh, I got it!" Calum opens up the window and jumps out it.

"Oh my God, are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm good. Completely fine," He says and shoots me a thumbs up. I give him one back. I fix the window and go back to the door. I open it and let Ashton in.

"Sorry, I was just doing something. Putting clothes away, underwear," I lie. What? Underwear?

"Oh, I get it. So, I need advice. On a girl," Ashton awkwardly scratches the back of his head. I guide him to the edge of my bed. We sit down and Ashton starts speaking, "So, I dated a girl about five years ago. It was a rough breakup. Now, she's just texted me, telling me she still loves me and she wants to get back together. What do I do?"

"Why did you breakup?"

"She was always so mean to me. She's never told me a single thing that was nice to me. She would boss me around, treat me a child. I finally got tired of it and broke it off. She didn't want to let me go, but I insisted."

"Ash, five years ago you were fifteen. She never loved you, she doesn't now. She doesn't respect you. You don't treat boyfriends like that. She only wants you now because you're rich and hot and you're living the good life. Text her back, and tell her to fuck off," I say.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes! You deserve better than that!" I say.

"Alright, I will. Thanks, Addy," He hugs me then leaves. I rush to the window, reopen it, and see nothing.

"Cal?" I shout into the air. "Calum? Babe?" Then, there's a knock on the door. "Oh, my God." I run to the door to open it before the boys do. When I finally open it, Calum's there.

"Donuts anyone?" He asks, holding up a dozen. I smile as he walks into the kitchen. He's followed by me, Luke, and Mikey. We each take one, as well does Ashton, who was already in the kitchen. After I eat the donut, I retreat to my room. Minute later, Calum joins me.

"Well," Calum shuts the door, "I guess we can return to what we were doing?" He cheekily says and kisses me again, causing me to giggle.


About two hours of kissing and cuddling, Calum and I walked back downstairs. One after the other, so it didn't look fishy.

"Hey, where have you been?" Ashton asks. "It's been a couple hours since I told you my good news."

"Um, I noticed how dirty the room was and decided to just clean up a little," I lie.

"It didn't look all that dirty, it took you two hours?"

"Uh, yeah, I get distracted while cleaning. I'm a terrible cleaner. Ya know my phone, involved with boredom. Yeah," I'm such a terrible fucking liar.

"What I do is I play the music on my cleaning playlist and make a game out of it," Ashton says. "It's like setting a record. How quickly can I clean the room and can it be faster than last time?"

"I'll try that next time," I say. Calum comes up behind me.

"And what's your excuse?" Ashton asks.


"Where've you been the last two hours?"

"I've had the runs," Calum blurts.

"Ew," Both Ashton and I say.

"Okay, so I'm leaving," I say. I go into the living room where Luke and Michael are.

"Okay, Addy, would you rather be a pirate or a ninja?" Luke asks me.

"Ninja," I quickly answer.

"Why?" Mike asks.

I stare dead at Cal. "I don't know," I say, "I guess I'm just sly and secretive."

A/N: so you know that moment where something happens and then you think about it to the point where it stresses you out and then your best friend doesn't answer her FUCKING PHONE? Yeah, that's me.

UPDATE! I'm babysitting a kid tomorrow #raisetheroof

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

Secret Love (C.H) - Book One Of The Song SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now