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Calum's POV

Exactly two weeks later, on May 6, the boys and I take Addison to the studio.

"So, what's it like here?" She asks us.

"Uh, it's loud at times, but also quiet," Ashton says.

"Chocolate and vanilla, hot and cold, yellow and purple," Michael says.

"Ah! There they are! Guys, meet Addison," Luke says in front of four unknown people. "Addy, this is Hey Violet. They're the band we signed."

"Remember, Ads, I told you about them," I say.

"Yeah, I remember that," She says, remembering and nodding.

"I'm Casey, that's Nia, Rena, and Miranda," Casey says. She shakes their hands as they introduce themselves to me.

"Okay! Let's get down to business! Addy, you can just sit and watch us record and write. It's not boring, I promise," I say, putting my hand on the small of her back and leading her to a couch facing the recording booth. The band walks into the booth and Hey Violet goes into another room. "Addy, this is a song we've been writing but we're not sure about it. Would you listen it and tell us how it is?"

"Of course," She answers.

We start playing the song. I start off the singing, to be quickly followed by Luke.

By the chorus, Addy looks like she just saw a ghost. I can't tell if that's a good thing, or a bad thing.

After we finish the song, we put our instruments down.

"So, Ads, how was it?" I ask her.

"Absolutely beautiful," She says. "It was perfect. The chorus flowed so nicely into the verses, the song was perfectly fast and slow. The lyrics were beautiful and you guys played so nicely. I loved it."

I blushed and smiled.

"Thanks," Michael says.

"Calum wrote it," Luke tells her. She giggles and smiles.

"No, I didn't!" I deny, even though I'm completely lying. I wrote it. It's about her, too. It was before we started dating. In between those days where we started dating and we met. Those ten, long days. It usually took me at least two weeks to write a song, if even. Three at the most. But, ten days was all I needed for this song. And thank God, she likes it.

"Yes you did!" The band argues.

"You little bastard!" Michael jokes.

"Okay, so I did. You really like it?" I ask, turning hopefully towards Addy.

"Yes, Calum, I really like it," She answers, giggling that cute little giggle that makes my damn heart melt every damn she does it.

God, I'm so weak.

"I don't know why you never believe your songs are good. Honestly Calum, you wrote amazing songs," Miranda tells him. Her band all nod, obviously agreeing with her.

"So, Addy, how long have you been dating Calum?" Rena asks me nicely.

I wanted to answer truthfully and say six months. And I was about to, but then I realized that, according to everyone besides Michael, Calum, and me, we're not dating. So, I told her what I've been telling everyone else: "Actually, Calum and I aren't dating."

She shows a face of surprise. "Sorry, Addison. You two just seemed so lovey-dicey that I assumed."

"It's alright. We get it from quite a lot of people, it's okay," I smile.

"Yeah, like me. Rena, they're so adorable together. I swear they each have feelings for the other, but they both refuse to admit to it," Luke teases us, playing with Calum's cheeks.

Calum, flinching away, says, "Because it's not true. We're just friends." He shrugs.

"Juliet said that to her dad when asked about liking Romeo," Ashton says, laughing.

"Uh, yeah, no she didn't. Juliet was asked about liking Romeo. And even if she was, Juliet's father still wouldn't have been happy because he still didn't like Romeo or his family. So, yeah...," I say, proving him wrong and trailing off at the end.

"Whatever!" Ashton yells, giggling like usual.

"Can we play Jet Black Heart?" Michael whines.

"No! We need to start recording or we'll never get anything done!" Luke yells, showing a look of determination on his face.

"Wait," I pause, "You weren't already recording?"

"Nah, that was just a warm up. Alright, let's get to it!"

A/N: in the beginning, there was nothing. Then, there was my last update.


School has started, so it may take longer now, but never that long ever again.

UPDATE! Last night I dented my friends saxophone #oops

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

Secret Love (C.H) - Book One Of The Song SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now