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Addison POV

I don't know why, but Calum has been texting me a lot lately. I definitely don't mind, he's a cool guy. Most guys just aren't interested in me, that's all.

After talking to the guys, I talked to my sister about it. I told her he was cute, and sweet and she practically flipped.

"Girl, go for it! He's cute and sweet and he seems really funny. Be friends this guy, see what he's all about," She advised.

It was nice of her to not even mention his fame. She knows that I don't want to be friends with him because his fame, but because of him. Which is nice.

From Calum: I have a friend that's throwing a party later today. wanna come?

To Calum: only if you pick me up.

From Calum: i will be there in ten minutes.

To Calum: wonderful. I text him my address and sit down on my bed.

Wonderful. I have ten minutes to get ready for a party of a person that I don't know

It's not like I can call a friend. I don't have any. I just moved to Sydney a month ago.

Ugh. I guess I'll have to do this by myself.

I quickly find a party outfit and I put it on. I fix my hair and I'm just about done with my makeup when there's a knock on my door. "It's open!" I yell. Calum comes inside and looks around.

"Hello, beautiful, you look, well, beautiful," Calum tells me. I slightly blush and thank him. "It's cute in here. Who's that in the picture with you?"

"Gabriella, and Gabby," I answer, quickly looking at the picture.

"Gabby is very cute," Calum says.

"I know. That was from when she only a few months old. Here's a picture of her now," I take out my phone and show Calum a picture of my niece.

"I have a sister, too," Calum says. I slip on my shoes and we start walking out of the apartment.

"Really? What's her name?"


"I bet she's lovely."

"She is. Trust me."

"I do."

"She look a lot like me, actually," Calum says and I burst out into laughter. We're climbing into his car, and I'm in the passengers seat. "What?"

"I'm just imagining you with long hair. It's quite amusing," I say.

"Apparently. I actually tried growing my hair long but then Mali told me I looked like a mop and I cut it."

"Well, now I know that Mali knows what's best."

"Hey! She insulted me, and I cut my hair."

"It was for the grater good."

We get to the party quickly. I see Luke, Ashton, and Michael almost immediately. Like they were waiting for their prince to step out of his carriage with a date.

Is this a date? Psh, probably not, there's drunk college kids, it's not a date.

I step inside the house and yet my hardest to stay at Calum's side. "Don't loose me!" I yell, over the music and people. We make our way to the kitchen.

"I would never!" He tells back. "Drink?" I nod my head. "They have hard lemonade."

"Gimme," I say and hold out my hand. He laughs and pours it before handing me the cup. I drink it and feel it slide down my throat.


Within forty minutes, I'm drunk. I don't know why I got so drunk so quickly, or why I felt like I needed a drink so badly. Maybe I'm just stressed. I just moved here, maybe that's it. I don't know.

"Calum, come dance with me," I slur. I drag him over to where everyone is dancing and I start dancing.

"Wow, Addy, you're a great dancer," Calum says. He's not as drunk as I am. Actually, he's pretty much sober.

"Only when I'm drunk," I joke.

"Good thing you're drunk, then," I turn around and face him.

"You're cute," I giggle.

"Um, thanks."

"Actually, you're really, really hot," I lean in and whisper into his ear. "Really hot."

"Addy, I don't-"

"Shut up. You're going to stop me and I don't want you to stop me," I kiss Calum hardly, and he actually kisses back. We're standing there for a few seconds, before Luke stumbles over.

"Hey guys, what's up! Just sucking faces, tasting each other's throats!" He says. I pull away and face him.

"Hi, Lanky Luke! Look how tall you are, you're so damn tall!" I giggle.

"No, you're just short!"



"Addy, what just happened?" Calum asks me.

"What?" I laugh. "Luke, your hair is like the size of Russia."

"I know, it's so tall!"



"Can we talk about what just happened?"

"Oh, I need to home. My stomach is not agreeing with me," I hold my stomach and Calum sighs.

"Alright, I'll bring you home," Calum puts a hand on my waist and guides me home. I'm laughing the entire time. I think I'm annoying the shit out Calum.
"Okay, we're back at your building. Stay there." Calum gets out of the car and walks over to my side. He opens the door and gets me out. I fall onto him, still laughing. He struggles to get me upstairs and into my apartment.

"Thank you, Cal," I put my hand on his face. He removes it.

"You're welcome, Addy," Calum says. I lightly kiss his lips again.

"Goodnight, Calum," I shut the door and walk away.

A/N: drunk addy is the best.

I straightened my hair. it looks hella good.

I'm seeing Cinderella later.

UPDATE! I'm watching some cooking show.

Hope you enjoyed! See you next update!

Bailey xx

Secret Love (C.H) - Book One Of The Song SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now