1 : The Law Book

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      He was so. Fucking. Cute.

That was all you could say, really. It was fun to spend your classes admiring him from afar, pencil in hand as you doodled his sharp features down on lined paper.

Today he was still in his medical garb as he ate lunch with his friends, but the blue scrubs and white coat didn't take away from his attractive nature. You decided to dedicate a whole page to his outfit, just because.

Sabo and Ace slid into their seats beside you, lunches in hand, but you were too busy trying to get the fleck of his dangerous eye to notice. Ace leaned over your shoulder, and you pushed his face out of your way with ease.

"You're in my light."

"Awe, common." The ebony haired male pouted, drawing your hand away from his cheek to clasp it to his chest. He feigned hurt. "Why can't you draw me instead?"

"You're not fun to draw." You answered bluntly, letting him coddle your spare hand. You frowned, brows furrowing in concentration as your mechanical pencil just barely brushed the paper, trying to get the stroke of his thin brow just right. You stole a quick analytical glance up to your unknowing model before finally taking the leap and pressing the lead harder against the paper. You let out a sight of relief as it came out perfect, as always. "Drawing you is like drawing a flower. It's pretty and always looks nice, but it gets boring when you look at the same one for so long."

"My heart~!" Ace gasped in mock hurt, throwing himself back off the seat to land on his back with a dramatic flail of his arms. "You wound me so!"

You finally tore your eyes away from your page to look down at him with a disapproving gaze, and Sabo snickered on your other side. You decided to leave Ace as he was, his sulking wasn't your problem.

"You sure like drawing Law." The blond commented as he eyes your almost full notebook. You'd been obsessed with drawing him for some time, the pages were all full of half colored doodles and shaded images. Different art styles and themes alike. You even had some spare sheets of old notes shoved in there, unable to bear the thought of parting with your doodles and instead keeping them all together. "When are you going to talk to him?"

"When I die." You answered curtly, making him snicker again. You rolled your eyes sarcastically. "Yes, enjoy my flaws. I cannot."

"He's a really nice guy." Sabo tried to give you a boost of confidence, but you could only blanch once more. Bless the poor blond, he gave you the most supporting soft expression he could muster. "I think you'd get along well, why don't you try talking to him in English?"

"Hello, I'm ____, your creepy stalker with a notebook full of hand drawn images of you." You sarcastically drawled, twirling your pencil around your fingers.

"You aren't a creepy stalker, it's not like you know anything about him." He rebutted, to which you had to nod in agreement.

"Yeah, but look at this." She gestured to her bulging notebook. "If this doesn't look creepy I don't know what does."

"You have like, three books just for me." He deadpanned, patting you on the back. "Besides, you're a really talented artist. It's flattering, if anything."

"Thanks, Bo-chan." You offered him a small smile. "You're great at cheering me up."

"Why does Sabo get a cute nickname and a whole bunch of drawings but all I get are offhanded insults?!" Ace shot off the floor, clinging to your waist as he gave you the biggest puppy eyes he could manage. You frowned, patting him on the head lightly.

"Because he's my favorite."

Words could not describe the utter depression that came over Ace.

"____!" Luffy finally made it to the table, barreling into the girl with a grin. "Sanji and Zoro are fighting again!"

"Alright, I'm coming- hey!" You let out a yelp when you were picked up by Ace, being carried over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. "Ace! Put me down!"

"Not until I get a cute nickname!" He giggled, taking off. Sabo watching in mild horror as you reached out to him, begging the blond to save you.

And when you looked at him like that, he had no choice but to follow. He grabbed your satchel in a hurry, slinging it over his shoulder as he ran after you and his brother.

"Ace! Wait up!"

"Shishishi~ oh!" Luffy went to follow his friends, only to pause. There was a notebook on the floor, the black and white cover sporting a simple sharpied on name. He picked it up, noticing how thick it was. It was probably important, so he would return it. "Shishishi! Tra-guy! I found this!"

Law looked up from his phone at the call of the younger raven, frowning.

"That's not my name." But Luffy only laughed at him. The younger raven shoved the notebook forward, making Law flinch back in surprise. "What's this?"

"I don't know, I found it." The boy shrugged, waving it around. "It's got your name on it so I came to give it back. Take it already, I want to go eat!"

Law reached out, furrowing his brows. He didn't remember owning any notebooks like this, and that wasn't his sharp lettering on the cover. He turned to question Luffy some more, but the energetic boy was gone.

"What the hell." Law grumbled to himself, flipping the book around. Nothing on the back. Cautiously he held it right and flipped open to a random page, and his brows skyrocketed.

The page was full of doodles of him. This particular page was a pencil sketch of him with his chin in his palm, bored as ever. 'I want to go home' was scribbled in a thought bubble above his head, in that same sharp lettering. He turned the page in curiosity, finding more doodles of himself as a chibi.

These ones were colored in with markers, and over a smaller one was a rather large red ink blot. The ink had bled through, or the marker had broken. He flipped the page again.

This time the drawing was much more detailed and thought out. The ink blot that had bled through to the next page had been centered in his hand, a small bit of black ink defining it as a human heart. Law himself was dressed in casual clothes, but he still had his doctors coat on over top. On his drawn face was a smirk, his own eyes staring back at him almost tauntingly.

Whomever this notebook belonged to was an amazing artist, that was for sure.

Law sat back in his chair, lazing around during his free period as he flipped to the beginning of the notebook. He took his sweet time investigating, while also admiring his fanart.

"Knock it off." You grumbled, tugging Sanji by the ear and Zoro by the nose. "You're both acting like children."

"It's not my fault that damn Ero-cook-"

"That stupid moss head is always-"

"You're both going to lose an appendage if you don't stop!" You cut them off, tugging on the respective appendages that you still held in your grasp. They yelped, and you let them go. "Nami will be back soon, but until she gets over her flu you two are banned from fighting! I'm not your referee!"

"Tch," Zoro clicked his tongue, rubbing his nose tenderly.

"Of course, ____~swan~" Sanji danced, however there will still tears running down his cheeks from the pain of his ear being pulled. He cradled his head, legs wiggling. You let out a sigh.

"Honestly you two, I didn't even get to finish my drawing."

"Oh, here." Sabo held out your bag, and you took it. "I grabbed it so you don't have to go back."

"Thanks, Bo-chan."

"_____ I want a cute nickname too-"

"Is that all you needed Luffy?" You asked the youngest brother, who was already shoving his gob full of whatever snack he had got ahold of. He muffled a response, nodding his head. You only sighed in response. "Alright. I'm just going ahead to class then."

"See you in English." Sabo waved.

"See you."

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