3 : The Car Ride

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        "I thought I was going to die." You groaned, hands to your cheeks in exasperation. Sabo laughed from his place next to you. "I'm so glad you find my misfortune hilarious."

"No, common, I'm sorry." Sabo apologized, but he was grinning. He simply watched as you searched around for your Law notebook, under each table and on every chair. "It's just that it's pretty convenient! I mean, you lose the book on him and then your own father practically sets you up!"

"He didn't set me up, I'm just the best in the class!" You retorted, looking under and other table. "Where is it? I swear I last had it in here, did someone take it?"

"Okay, stop." Sabo came forward, still with the stupid smile on his face. His hands took hold of your shoulders and spun you around, holding you tightly as he dipped his head to give you a dazzling smile. "You need to relax. I told you, Law is a really nice guy and I meant it."

"He was doing it on purpose." You drawled, frowning. The blond leg out a long, drawn out sigh.

"You're overthinking it. Maybe he likes you."

"Yeah right." You scoffed, brushing his hands off and turning away. "And maybe I'll sprout wings and just take off to the clouds~"

Sabo snickered at you, waving your hands up by your shoulders in a representation of said wings. You waddled away with a silly swing of your hips, acting like a fool to try and distract him from the topic. It worked.

"You're such a dork!" He laughed, and you turned around sharply. "Alright, come on and I'll drive you home."

"Wait, I want to check the lost and found."

Sabo followed you to the main office and into the side room, waiting for you as you dug through the boxes of lost items.

"What? Isn't this yours?" You asked Sabo, holding up a pair of goggles. Sabo blinked, then hopped the counter to take them.

"No way! I lost those ages ago!"

You giggled at him, tossing them over. He put them on his head, letting them snap over his eyes.

"How do I look?"

"Stupid." You laughed, and he grinned in response.

"Yeah, they go on my hat." He pushed them up, using them as a hairband. "Let's see what else is in here."

"Wait, stop." You pushed him back from the bin by his forehead, so he sat in a proper crouch next you. He let you, confused. You smiled, looking at his face clearly. You dropped your chin into your palm, smiling at him. "You look good like that. You should wear your hair back more often."

"O-oh?" Sabo stuttered, his face turning a bright pink. He scratched at his cheek absently. "I-I don't know about that... my scar-"

"Is beautiful." You answered for him, knowing he had nothing good to say about it. He turned a deeper red, opting to hide his face behind his hands rather than try and pretend he wasn't effected. You shuffled closer, leaning on his side as you pressed a quick chaste kiss to his scarred cheek. Sabo nearly toppled over.

"St-stop that!" He squeaked, falling on his butt. You giggled, looking over his flustered face as he gave you a small pout, spreading his fingers to look up at you. "Why do you always do that to me?"

"Because." You answered curtly, smiling. His shining cerulean eyes gleamed brightly when his face turned so red, not that they didn't otherwise. It just made you proud to see his flustered face, he wasn't one to flirt. "You look awful cute when you don't know what to say, Bo-chan."

"No more! I'm taking you home!" He stood, walking away before you could tease him anymore.

"Okay! Okay- slow down!"

You raced after Sabo to his truck, giggling all the way. Once inside you settled down, and Sabo turned on some music. You both hummed along, content with the quiet.

"Is that Law?" Sabo suddenly asked, and you looked up from your phone. There on the sidewalk was a very unamused Law, scowling at the pavement.

"Is he okay?" You asked, and Sabo pulled over to drive slow next to him. With it being late in the afternoon, there was no traffic to worry about blocking up. What you did have to worry about, however, was the fact that it was your side he was walking on. You rolled down your window after swallowing thickly. "Hey! You alright?"

"Hm?" He looked up with a disinterested glare, only to drop it near instantly. He raised his brows, surprised. "What?"

"Are you good? You look..." you trialed off, gesturing around your face with furrowed brows. "I'd say pissed off but I feel like it's more than that."

"Eustass-ya slashed my fucking tires." Law frowned, and Sabo let out a long sigh.

"You need a ride home man?" He offered, kind as ever. Law opened his mouth, but one look at the two-seat cabby made him shut it.

"Yeah, hop in." You opened the door, grabbing your satchel and slinging it over your shoulder. Law watched you with bemused eyes, lips slightly parted in a gape. You didn't particularly notice, throwing your hood up. "I'll sit in the bed."

"I-I can't ask you to do that." Law tried to deny, suddenly breaking from his trance.

"It's cool." You smiled, it was cute when he stuttered. You looked back at Sabo in the front, who gave you a thumbs up. "Yeah, see? It's fine. Get in."

You didn't waste another second, using the hubcap as a step up as you slung yourself into the back. Law frowned, but quickly thinned his lips and took your seat, shutting the heavy door behind him. Sabo spared a look back to make sure you were settled before pulling off again.

Law sat rather awkwardly after giving the blond his address.

"So..." Sabo tried to start a conversation, tapping his fingers on the wheel. Law sent him a glance, but didn't speak. Sabo cleared his throat. "____ told me she helped you out in English. You friends with her?"

"Not really." Law shrugged, a little uncomfortable. But then, as that thought passed, this was a great opportunity to sate his festering curiosity. "You're close with her though, right? I always see you two together."

"Yeah, we've been friends since we were little." Sabo smiled, nodding his head. His cerulean eyes glanced in the rear view mirror, just to make sure you were still okay. This did not go unnoticed by Law, who had been doing the same in the side view. "She's a great person to have around."

"I see," Law hummed. "So you are dating then."

"N-no!" Sabo squeaked out, a blush on his cheeks. "I-I didn't mean it like that! I meant- w-well it's just that-"

"Hey," You slid open the back window divider, sticking your head in. Law blinked, eyes scanning over the wind blown flush in your cheeks. "Dad said to bring Luffy over for movie night. Do you mind taking me grocery shopping the day before?"

"S-sure!" Sabo smiled, hoping the red in his cheeks would have died down. It didn't, but you pretended not to notice.

"Thank you, Bo-Chan." And you slipped back, closing the window again.

Law spared another glance at Sabo, who had his eyes trained on the road and a flush on his pale cheeks. Neither tried to start another conversation, but Law did take note of something very important.

Sabo and ____ weren't dating.


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