15 : The Fort

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Exams passed like a breeze...

For you.

English was a walk in the park, as always. You turned in an abstract piece for your arts minor and at far as math? Well, if you didn't look at the score, you couldn't fail it. That was your motto for anything that had to do with numbers. If you didn't see them, they couldn't stress you out.

Law spent his pre-exam week looking worse for wear. The dark circles under his eyes were even darker, and you doubted he was sleeping much at all. Your daily naps had moved out of the library and to one of your houses, where you could snooze undisturbed for a longer period of time. Once, Law was so exhausted that he'd reclined the back seats of his van into a sort of futon, laptop hooked up to the campus Wi-Fi as you listened to some random show and slept like a couple of vagrants. Weirdly enough, that was the best sleep you'd ever had.

The actual exam week was a little better, because he'd given up cramming and submitted himself to whatever score he was going to get. You still went over some flash cards to help him brush up, but otherwise spent the rest of your day relaxing together and just being general lumps on logs.

Now it was the first week into Summer break, and the campus was practically vacant. Law had his study group on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, and you simply read over the PDF's your father sent you and responded with a couple short sentences for your grade. Easy.

But since Law was so often on campus and Mihawk was on the school board, you decided to take up on some of those rich kid privileges.

"Ta-da!" Your arms were stuck out, jazz hands shaking with a grin on your lips. Law looked over what you were gesturing to, which was an insanely intricate pillow fort set up among four or five library tables. The screen mounted to wheels that was used in the science hall more than anywhere else was set to the lowest setting, your laptop hooked up and the Netflix Home Screen casting a dark gentle light over the inside. "Thoughts?"

"Aren't we going to get yelled at?"

"Nope. Taken care of." You placed your hands firmly on your hips, chest puffed with false bravado. You were proud of yourself, cheekily so, and it made Law smile his lopsided grin.

"We're never going to leave this thing."

"No. We aren't."

Lights off, shoes tossed, and snuggled under blankets as you both watched yet another arctic documentary was how you spent the next few hours. You'd run out of snacks, though, and were both procrastinating getting more. That meant leaving the enclosed space, where you were pressed against each other and trying to forget about the outside world.

"Do you think it's gross?" You asked out of nowhere, staring blankly at the screen as some penguins waddled on the tv. Law looked down at you nestled in the crook of his shoulder, frowning.

"What? Is what gross?"

"My scar."

Law was surprised, but not that much. He hadn't thought you were self-conscious, but anybody would be wary after dealing with his uncle. And, he had to remind himself, you hadn't been with anyone other than him- so it wasn't like you'd ever received any positive reinforcements from someone who was supposed to be physically attracted to you.

"Take your shirt off." It was a demand, he didn't even bother trying to hide it. Your face shot beet red, eyes wide and looking up to him with a frightened expression. He lifted his brows lightly. "Do it."

"R-right here? And now?"


"Uhm..." You gulped in uncertainty, hands trembling with a sudden fit of nerves. It was cute, but Law had work to do.

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