14 : The Family Reunion (prt 2)

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After a few good-natured arguments and some kitchen deliberations, it was agreed that ordering pizza was the way to go. Law wasn't keen on leaving your side, practically attached to your hip, and Corazon was excitedly engaging in every type of conversation with you that was possible.

So, there on the sofa you sat, sharing the loveseat with Law as Cora animatedly blabbered about his own college experience. You were smiling and nodding along, offering bits and pieces to keep the conversation going. Law was distracted on his phone, scrolling through some weird medical wiki with his free hand. The other arm was wrapped possessively around your waist, fingers twisting the bottom seam of your long sleeved shirt absently.

"-and with Law in line to be a surgeon, I'm happily planning my golden retirement." Corazon chortled heartily, making you laugh along as well. The man was so cheery, his simple smile was enough to send you spiraling down the giggle train. "I can see it now- living in a big house and never having to make my own food."

"Will you miss working?" You asked with a gentle tilt of your head, temple coming to rest on Law's chest. Said boy inhaled deeply before his own head dipped to rest upon yours. Corazon practically had stars in his eyes, gleaming at the action. It made you a little self conscious, honestly, but Law's fingers gave your hip a gentle squeeze before returning to their twiddling. "I'll admit I don't know much about the whole detective scene, but my father has worked with the Admirals on occasion. Garp always makes it out like it's the worst, but never sends in his own retirement forms so I'm inclined to think it's all lies."

"It's not the worst." Cora shrugged, and that was the first time he'd refrained from elaborating. Curiously, he directed the conversation away. "What are you two planning for summer break?"

"Oh, god, I keep forgetting it's so close." You sighed exasperatedly. "Honestly, I'll probably be taking the summer classes with Mihawk."

"I have a study block I have to teach." Law grumbled unhappily, face set in a soft glower. "Penguin signed me up to tutor."

"You're a couple of workaholics." The blond man scolded lightly, shaking his head. "Why don't you both just take a break and relax? It won't kill you to just laze around for a few weeks."

Law glanced away from the article he was browsing for the first time, sending Cora an incredulous look that spoke a thousand words. You had a much similar expression, however less accusing and more disgusted. Before Cora could comment on how the two of you were clearly made for each other, there was a rather harsh knock at the door.

"Please, be the pizza."He instead whispered to himself, standing in a hurry.

Law sucked his teeth, shuffling quickly. You leaned away to allow him some wiggle room, only for his chin to dip and steal a warm kiss. You didn't complain, happy to respond to the chaste lip lock, a rosy blush on your cheeks. He hummed a laugh as he pulled away, cradling the back of your head to place a peck on your forehead before pulling you right back into his hold.

"What was that for?"

"For nothing."

It was silly, but cute. Your heart skipped a pitiful beat as you smiled, trying hard not to grin. The moment was broken, quite rudely you might add, by the obnoxious appearance of a more than slightly flamboyant man. He was fucking huge- bigger than Kiddo and Killer combined. Which was saying something, because those were the two biggest men you'd ever met. But he wasn't as built as them, just tall. Skyscraper tall, dressed in a pink suit and an even pinker feather coat.

And he was grinning so wide it made you uncomfortable, because despite his purple tinted glasses it felt like he was scouring your figure.

"Uh, hi..." You nearly squeaked the words out, linking your fingers into each other and tucking them between your thighs. Anxiety raised into your chest a second time, and you had to clear your throat in order to conjure up something else to say. "I'm ____."

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