13 : The Family Reunion (prt 1)

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       You completely forgot about family.

Honestly, right over your head. Law already knew your father, he was a professor. Your brother Zoro wasn't exactly important but he knew him too, though Luffy. Perona.... Well Perona was never home and when she was, she stuck to your father like glue. It was like her passion in life to cause him mental anguish, even if he always seemed indifferent.

As far as extended family the Newgates were really it, and everyone who was anyone knew them. Introductions in your life were pretty unnecessary, you were probably the only one who tried to keep a low profile.

That being said, you'd entirely forgot about Law's.

Well, forgot might be too strong of a word. You didn't know he had any, which is slightly worse. He'd told you about losing his birth family, but he didn't say he had been adopted too. Honestly, he didn't need to look so guilty when he asked you about Mihawk being your father, he'd gone through a similar scenario.

Regardless, Law announced to you that the weekend was going to be a sort of family reunion. His uncle was coming to town and decided that it was too good an opportunity to pass up, so he was going to pop in to say hi and be 'generally obnoxious' as Law had put it.

You had never been so scared to meet new people in your life.

"Cora-san has been bugging me about brining you over since he caught me making you a bento." Law sighed, his van rumbling down the road at a reasonable speed. You liked riding with him more than you ever liked riding with Kid, the red haired demon was the definition of pedal to the metal. Which could be fun, on occasion, but not when you already felt like blowing nervous chunks. "He's so nosy."

"I think it sweet, not all parents care." You hummed, hands folded tightly and stuffed between your thighs. If you kept them stiff, they wouldn't shake. "Mihawk doesn't really care to meet anyone, it's sort of an unspoken rule that he'll only intervene if he has too."

"That's something I would appreciate." Law scoffed, shaking his head lightly. "I love Cora-san, but sometimes he can be too much."

"Oh." You cringed. Was that really all your anxiety hopped up brain could come up with? Yes. Yes it was.

"Don't be nervous." Law chuckled, watching your face contort. Your nose crinkled and your brows came to a tight furrow. It was cute, but unnecessary. He reached out a hand for you to take. "He doesn't bite, just trips a lot."

"What?" You couldn't help but giggle at that, letting Law trail his fingers down your arm and pull one hand out from between your thighs. He held it firmly, knowing that what you needed was to have something grounding and solid. "I don't know what that's supposed to mean."

"He's a walking hazard, is what it means." Law chuckled, his thumb running circles over your knuckles almost lovingly. "I'm not even exaggerating, it's a miracle he hasn't burned the house down."

"I want to laugh," you admitted, free hand coming to his your lips. "But I don't wanna be rude.."

"It's not as funny when you live with him." He sighed wistfully, trying to act aloof when really he couldn't wipe the grin off his lips. Little did you know you were the first girl he ever even thought of introducing to his family, let alone was fallowing through with. But he could tell you were afraid, and his plan to take your mind off the doubts seemed to be working. "But trust me, a little laughter won't offend him. I think he finds it amusing himself."

The drive was fairly short, Law lived not terribly far away from the university. The van rumbled up to a quaint little house, ranch style and cream colored. You smiled, it looked like a home.

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