12 : The Monologue

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     Sabo was tired of being cornered.

"What can I do for you?" He smiled anyway, acting pleasant to hide his very annoyed attitude. First you, then Drgaon, now Law. He was getting tired of it.

"What happened between Eustass-ya and ____-ya?" Law was blunt, straight to the point.

He'd tried to put it off in hopes to give you some semblance of privacy. A part of him wished you'd bring it up yourself, but he knew you wouldn't. You were flighty when it came to certain aspects of your past, like you were afraid of something. He wanted, needed to know why.

But he restrained himself.

Until, of course, you didn't show up for classes that morning. It was officially your one month anniversary and he'd made you a cute bento with a heartfelt note under the lid. Of course, one month wasn't really anything to celebrate, so he wasn't too beat up about your absence on that particular day. It did however eat at him that you didn't send a text, not so much as a heads up that you wouldn't be waiting for him in the library.

"Wait," Sabo crunched his face in confusion and raised his palms up in a halting gesture. He shook his head, dumbstruck. "You don't know?"

Law gave him a dirty look.

"Do you think I would be asking?"

"Whoa, okay, look I thought everybody in the city knew." Sabo laughed a little, but was far from amused. "I mean, you're together right? Haven't you seen her without her shirt off?"

"No?" Law was utterly confused. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Ah- alright." Sabo let out a long sigh of defeat. "Do you want to go down the the cafe, it's a bit of a long story and I feel like you have lots of questions."


Sabo led the way happily.

"Alright, from the beginning." Sabo leant back in his chair, Law leaning his elbows on the table. "____ was seized from an abusive household when she was young, a toddler still. She has no memories of them, she was sent to an orphanage."

"It just so happened to be the same orphanage that Kid and Killer were in. The way Killer tells the story, she was instantly stuck to them. Killer was the only one who could put her to sleep, she had horrible trauma from the household."

"As for Kid, the two of them never really got along. It was a strong love-hate relationship. Kid would steal her toys and she would steal his back, silly children games. As they grew up, it only got worse. Kid would trip her in the hallways and next thing anyone knew, the two of them were tussling."

"She was adopted by Mihawk when she was twelve, but it was already too late. She was part of the Kid Gang, they ran around doing whatever they wanted whenever they wanted. Some time passed though and she mellowed out, she learned a lot from Mihawk about becoming mature."

"But Kid and her were still neck and neck. There wasn't a single thing that could keep them apart, and nobody but Killer was able to break up their brawls. They would go out drinking and whatever, Kid would suck face with Bonney and ____ would hang out with anyone who wasn't horny, but they were always in the same room together."

"You know, looking back it was really weird. Everyone thought she was having some type of affair with him, the way they orbited around each other was kind of strange. Kid would do something stupid so she would follow with retaliation, but all in all it turned out to be some type of twisted sibling relationship."

"There was this one big party that Kid threw when they were seventeen, everyone was drunk and high and just having a hood time. ____ and him got into an argument, a really bad one. That's the only time I've ever seen her cry, she was so livid that she stopped arguing halfway through a sentence and just up and left."

"The cops came and broke up the party shortly after, a bunch of people got arrested but nobody important except for Kid. He was charged with underage drinking and a bunch if other things, bail was posted since he was a minor and they locked him up in a holding cell overnight."

"____ showed up the next morning and paid his bail, which was more than anyone in the crew could afford. She was driving him home when they started arguing again. I'm not too sure about what, something about him refusing to apologize I think. Anyway, as they're cruising down east central..."

Sabo paused, grimacing.

"A semi cut a red light and t-boned them. Head on, going fast as hell, right into Eustass's side of the car. Her car flipped, rolled, and landed in a ditch. They had to cut the car open to get them out, and found ____ with her arm around his head."

"According to the reports, ____ saw the truck seconds before it hit, reached out and grabbed his head to try and protect him. It worked, his side was mangled and his arm had to be amputated, but his head was fine. She stopped him from dying on impact."

"However, it was at the expense of her own arm. She wears long sleeves shirts now to avoid questions and stares, but it's all scarred up. I mean, like, to hell. My scars are nasty, hers are... worse. There's lacerations all the way up to her shoulder and on her upper back, her whole arm and bunch of other bones were pulverized."

"She and Kid recovered together, they shared the same hospital room and did physical therapy together. She bought him his prosthetic and paid for the connecting surgery so that he could continue his dream of being a mechanic."

"Whatever weird rivalry they had before vanished, completely. Poof, gone, erased. They both had this new, I'd go so far as to say, supportive relationship. Kid goes to her when he needs to talk about things he can't tell anybody else, and she's always there for him."

"Today is actually the anniversary of the accident, her and him are out doing whatever the hell it is they wanna do."

"Honestly, though, I think she feels guilty."

"How so?" Law frowned, fingers laced tightly as he hung off Sabo's every word. All of this was very new to him, and it was a lot to take in.

"She doesn't drive, she doesn't drink, she won't even smoke pot anymore. Just cigarettes." Sabo listed off a number of things, fingers raising with each one. "Everything. I think it's half trauma and half guilt, she blames herself for leaving the party early because maybe if she hadn't, Kid never would have gotten arrested and she wouldn't have been responsible for driving him home."

"But, at the same time," Sabo sighed, gesturing off in the opposite direction. "I know for a fact that Kid beats himself up about it. He feels like it's his fault she got tore up, which isn't wrong in a way. He started the whole fight between them. She went out of her way to bail him out of jail and then saved his life on top of that."

"That's significantly better than what I assumed." Law scratched absently at his goatee. "I was concerned about their relationship."

"Ace and I think of her like our sister, we love her and would do anything she asked." Sabo frowned a little.

Part of him felt like in a way, he failed you. He was supposed to be your brother, and yet he wasn't there for you when you needed him. He let you walk out of the party, he watched you leave too stunned by your tears to chase after you.

"But it's Eustass Kid that takes responsibility for her."

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