9 : The House Party (part 1)

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     When Law finally managed to get you to speak calmly to him again, it was already Friday. He didn't mind, your nervous jitters were cute and made his insides squeeze in this weirdly pleasurable way.

He'd been with other women before, but not a single one could make his heart flip upside down when their fingers touched. You did it just by looking his way.

So when you stuttered out an invitation to join movie night, he couldn't say no. But it wasn't like he wanted too, anyway.

Law had dropped you off at your house fairly often, but he'd never been past the gated driveway. Thick Forrest shielded the house from view and then he finally got close enough, he definitely felt intimidated.

He liked you, he really did, but not a single mannerism of yours made him expect to roll up to a very Victorian looking manor. It really did look like something out of a movie, and your ability to pay for Galley-La service on his van made a lot more sense. He parked next to one of the other cars, one he recognized as Sabo's.

He knocked, and the door opened to reveal exactly what he thought it would look like.

"I'm waking into a Vampire's crypt." Law couldn't help but mumble, and the person in the door giggled. He looked down, spotting a pink haired woman dressed in a gothic dress.

"I'm Perona, you must be Law." She smiled, stepping aside and waving him into the house. Law let his eyes linger on her for another moment before turning back to the decor, stepping past the threshold and half expecting to be immediately swallowed up. She must have noticed, giggling more. "The Newgate boys are all in the kitchen, Zoro and a few others are in the common room."

"Where's ___-ya?" He asked with a furrow of the brows, confused as to why your sister wouldn't give your location as well.

"____?" She tilted her head after shutting the door behind him. He nodded, and she blinked in what looked like surprise. "You're here for her?"

"Well, I certainly didn't come for Mugiwara-ya." His sarcastic and cold reply made her wince, raising her hands to nervously wring.

"I didn't mean it like that." She pouted, bottom lip out. Perona started walking, so with no other idea of where to go, Law followed. "She's in the basement with the Kid Gang."

"So, everyone but me is here." Law huffed, feeling slightly dejected. Perona shrugged. "And what the hell is she doing with that asshole?"

"Well, movie night is just an excuse for Shanks to throw a party." She shrugged, heels clicking on the dark oak floors. "Dad tries not to invite Luffy because he eats the whole pantry up, but otherwise this is a neutral zone. Anyone can come if they're invited, fights don't happen."

"Hey! The Womanizer 2.0 is here!" Someone laughed when they entered the main room, and Law glared at the mess of green hair. Zoro laughed heartily, bottle of sake in his hand.

"Shut up you drunk!" Perona snapped, smacking the Marimo on the back of the head. He shut up, yelping and rubbing the sore area. The others in the room laughed, a mass of faces Law both recognized and didn't. Perona snagged Law by the crook of the elbow, tugging him away. "Common, Law. Ignore these douchebags."

"I was only playing around!" Zoro shouted after them, and Perona raised her middle finger over her shoulder.

"What an idiot." She grumbled, throwing a pink curl over her shoulder. Law scoffed a laugh, shaking his head. "He thinks even less than usual when he gets to drinking."

"____-chan!" Perona yelled after throwing open door. A long staircase lead down, dimly lit. The bottom seemed to be lighted by florescent bulbs, but the staircase itself was dark. There was no answer. "____!"

Law winced at her shrill scream, but once again there was no answer. Loud music played from below, and he could hear voices before Perona destroyed his eardrums.

"Tsk, just go down there." She let go of his arm, stepping back. "I don't like the basement, gives me the creeps."

Law didn't need to be told twice, making his way quickly down the steps the music got louder and the laughs clearer. He reached the bottom step and was met with a wild sight, Killer, Heat, Wire, and Kid slamming it on guitar hero loud as possible. Basil Hawkins and a few other men he didn't know were mingling and laughing, tobacco rolls between their fingers. Law finally spotted you at a table with Bonney, pizza in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

Your eyes flitted away from her as you rolled your eyes, and landed on him.

"Oh, Sleepy!" You called, waving him over.

"Sleepy?" Bonney questioned, only to gape in mild shock when she spoofed Law dodging bodies. "Law is here?!"

"Stop smoking." Was the first thing Law said when he got close enough, plucking the paper roll from between your fingers and dropping it in an empty beer can. "It's bad for your health."

"Old habits die hard." You smiled sheepishly, but there was a familiar blush on your cheeks. Law frowned, realizing that maybe he knew a lot less about you than he originally thought.

It didn't dissuade him, however. It did the opposite.

"We can go upstairs." You offered, setting the slice of pizza down on the plate and slipping from your chair. "Unless you want to hang out with the Kid gang,"

"No, thank you." Law immediately grumbled, and you giggled in response. You tried to shuffle around him and lead him through, only for him to use the opportunity to sneak his hand into yours.

You whipped your head back to look at him, chin low and ears red. He smirked, lacing his inked fingers between yours and giving it a light squeeze. You turned back around without a word. Law watched proudly as the heat spread down your neck, body portraying your emotions.

"Where you going Kitty?" Eustass called, and you looked back with beet red cheeks. Law looked too, watching as the very obviously tipsy redhead scoured your situation with hard molten eyes. Kid met Law's gaze and glared, something the silver eyed male was all too happy to return. "Freak."

"I'm gunna take Law upstairs so you guys don't get into it." You answered honestly, and Kid broke the stare down to look at you instead. You gave Law's hand a tug, starting to walk away again. "And please stop calling him mean names."

"Hmph." Eustass huffed his annoyance, but looked back to his game.

"Just ignore him, he's a grumpy pants." You whispered to Law, starting up the stairs.

"I didn't know you two were friends." Law frowned. He didn't like the way Eustass called you by a pet name, or the way you seemed to enjoy his type of company.

"Well, it's a long story." You sighed, reaching the top of the stairs. "We used to be rivals.. sorta."

"What changed?"

"A lot of very unfortunate events."

"Hey," Law cornered you against the door after you shut it behind you, and for once didn't feel the need to tease you as all the blood in your body shot to your face. He brought your joined hand up to his chest, holding it close. "Can you tell me?"

"I-I just..." you cleared your throat, lips pursing tightly. You shook your head. "I don't talk about it."

"Okay." Law accepted your answer. He brought your hand up further, pressing a light kiss to your knuckles once more.

"I don't talk about it.." you repeated, trailing off.

"B-but Sabo might tell you."

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