11 : The Frenemy

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       Dating Law was a new and honestly very scary experience. He'd stayed late that Saturday night, not that you minded. You'd ended up laid out on the couch anyway, his head rested on your chest as you both cuddled and watched some documentary on the Antarctic.

It seemed playing with his hair not only turned him on, but also sent him right to sleep. He was snoring peacefully not even thirty minutes later.

It was also painfully clear how touched starved he was. Sunday rolled around and Law came over again, practically attaching himself to your body as he snuggled against you. He almost refused to let you go, even for bathroom breaks. He showered you in affections, pressing feathery kisses wherever you would let him.

But he took his time, never once rushing into something sexual.

It honestly felt like he was enjoying the change of pace, like he relished moving so slowly with you. You were glad, because your poor heart could hardly handle his teasing. Who knew what would happen when it came time for the real thing to happen.

Eventually Monday rolled around and you were forced to go more than a few hours apart.

The medical wing was on the other side of the campus from where you spent your day, so the closest you got to him was nearing the afternoon. Law didn't impose on your time with friends durning lunch, only stopping by to drop off a bento on the table and a kiss on the cheek before rushing back to where he belonged. He'd become significantly more busy the last month, and tried to spend as much of the school day as possible finishing work so he could spend the afternoons napping in the library with you.

You didn't mind, you were just as quickly scrambling to bring your maths grade up.

Outside of your relationship with Law, yours with Sabo seemed to be struggling. He'd become distant, less solid in your daily routine. So, in a last ditch effort to save what's was your clearly dangling friendship, you cornered him immediately after English.

"We're going to be late for class," he tried to reason, but you weren't hearing it. Instead you pushed him down the hallway, stopping in a secluded area. "____,"

"Are you mad at me?" You asked outright, and his eyes widened significantly. "Because I feel like you've been giving me the cold shoulder and I don't want that. I miss my Bo-chan."

"I-I'm not mad." He sighed, frowning at your worried expression. He took a deep breath, readying himself to admit all the thoughts that had been toiling around in his brain. "I-I love you, I really do. You're like my baby sister, but I really don't like Law."

"I thought you said he was a nice guy?" You asked in confusion, recalling his adamance to make you talk to him in the first place.

"He is, but I've seen his past relationships." Sabo grumbled, looking at you with soft and concerned eyes. "I-I've been trying to stay out of it, because you look happy, but I feel guilty because there isn't anything I want more than to hide you from him. I didn't think you two talking would lead to anything more than friendship."

"Don't feel guilty for wanting to look out for me." You frowned, gripping his biceps firmly. You gave him a stern look. "I love you like I love Zoro- well, maybe a little more than Zoro."

Sabo laughed and you made a mental check mark. You : 1, Sabo's insecurities : 0.

"My point is that feeling that way only means you care about me. It's a good thing." You smiled up at him, watching his tense shoulders relax. "I mean, I feel the same way about you and Koala."

"K-K-Koala?" He stammered, face immediately flushing the darkest red you'd ever seen. "W-what does she have t-to do with this?"

"Don't even. I see the way you look at each other." You let him go to put your hands on your hips, chin tipping up in defiance. "The sexual tension in the student council meetings is suffocating."

"S-s-shut up."

And Sabo wasn't the only one being cornered.

Law was eager to meet you in the library for some much needed cuddles and kisses. Only to run into the last person he ever wanted to see.

"Eustass-ya." He frowned, glaring at the hot headed male who'd surprisingly come alone. Usually he was flanked by at least his girlfriend Bonney, but not today. "If you'd excuse me, I'd like to see my girlfriend, preferably without a black eye."

Kid didn't respond, staring him down, so Law moved to grip the door handle. Eustass pinned it shut with his prosthetic, stopping any chance Law had of running.


"If I ever hear a single bad thing about you come from her lips," Eustass spoke in a low growl, deadly and beyond threatening. Law swallowed, intimidated by the new seriousness of his enemy. Kid was known for his wild insults and ruthless fights, but never had he spoken so quietly and with purpose. "The next time you enter a woman's bedroom will be as an eunuch."

He didn't ask of Law understood.

Instead, he stared down the shorter man for another few seconds before deeming his threat prominent. His metal hand slid down from the door and he stepped away, walking around Law's still figure without so much as knocking shoulders. Weirdly enough, that had been the most intimidated Law had ever felt, and not because of the threat.

Something about the fact that it wasn't one of your brothers that came to threaten him first, it was his biggest enemy. Just what kind of history did you share with the hulking brute of a clown that would make him feel so protective of you?

Law opened the library door with a frown. He really needed to speak with Sabo, and soon. The curiosity was eating away at him.

"How was your day, sleepy?" You asked when he flopped down in the booth next to you. He didn't even speak, scooting you the proper distance away before letting his head fall dead in your lap. "Oh, are you alright?"

"Yes." He answered blandly, sighing. Law shuffled, trying to get comfortable. Finding it rather difficult today, he rolled on his back to look up at you and your ever blushing face. He took one of your hands to cradle against his chest, the other already dived into his hair. "Do you trust me?"

"With what?" You asked, worried about his clearly upset mood.

"With your heart." His clarification made you press your lips tightly together.

"No." You answered honestly, and he felt disappointment break into his soul. You offered him a soft smile. "But I do trust you not to lie to me. So if you say you won't break it, then I'll believe you."

"I won't." He shot upright, pressing closer to you. Law was desperate to prove himself, finding your lips for a very passionate lip lock. You responded in kind, free hand rising to caress his jawline. You separated and Law resorted to soft pecks, trailing down your jaw to your neck where you couldn't help it giggle.

"Y-your goatee is tickling me."

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