6 : The Yellow Note

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       "You are so head over heels for him." Sabo snickered, watching as you turned and even darker color. It was nice to have you be the one turning colors, but you didn't find it as amusing.

"I still don't know him." You retorted, bottom lip poking out. You sat down at the lunch table with him, thankful Ace was gone for practice. The others would be around shortly, and you couldn't wait to go home.

"Love at first sight~" Sabo made a heart shape with his fingers, crossing his index and thumb. You scowled, lifting your chin up and away.


"Who's _____ in love with?" An orange haired beauty spoke, stealing the seat infront of you where Luffy or Zoro usualy sat.

"You missed so much." Sabo started, making Nami raise her brows in surprise.

"Please no," you begged, dropping your face into your hands. Sabo cleared his throat, and you let out a low groan in protest.

"So, you know how she's been drawing Law for the last three months?" You couldn't see, but you felt Nami give an enthusiastic nod. The table shook as the rest of the group settled down, the majority tuning in to your tale. "Well, the other day we were in English-"

"____-chan?" A new and strange voice called, and you looked up in surprise. You met a very nervous looking boy, a puffy hat on his crimson locks and a box in his palms.


"I'm Satchi, one of Law's friends." He held the box out, nodding for you to take it. You looked at it, confused as to why he was handing you a bento. "Law said to give you this, he got stuck in the medical wing this afternoon coaching a CPR class."

"Oh, um..." you took it gently, afraid to offend him in any way. "Tell him I said thanks?"

"He also said to tell you," Satchi cleared his throat, straightening his back and loosening his shoulders. His face mimed straight and stoic, it was a strangely good imitation. "'Consider this the start of me returning your favor.' Whatever that means."

You couldn't help but giggle at his constricted voice, he was clearly not used to talking with such a deep tone. His facial expression was on point, but Law's voice was much smoother than his. But as quick as it came it left, and you hoped to catch it on video next time.

"Well, in that case, tell him I said thank you very much, but he doesn't owe me anything."

"He said you say that." Satchi smirked, and you rolled your eyes.

"Of course he would."

"He insists. Which is weird, because he's a listless guy." The red haired man shrugged, adjusting his hat before lifting his phone to check the time. "I have to go, but I hope to see you around _____-chan."

"Yeah, it was nice to meet you Satchi-San."

The poor boy blushed at the suffix, and laughed nervously before shuffling away with a wave. When you looked back down to your table, Nami's wide eyes was the first thing you saw.

"What?" You looked around, catching similar looks from everyone who was paying any attention, and even those who weren't. "Why are you all looking at me like that?"

"Since when does Trafalgar Law make you lunches?" Nami asked in disbelief, turning her wild eyes to Sabo when you didn't immediately respond. "I was out for a week and I come back to the hottest-hot guy ever making ____ , of all people, bento boxes?!"

"This is new to me." Sabo clarified, waving a hand in dismissal of her pointed exasperation. "All I was going to say is that Law asked her out-"

Nami's jaw dropped.

"-and she rejected him."

"She did what?!"

"It's really not a big deal-" you tried to calm her down, but it only seemed to infuriate her more. Nami started rapidly firing questions at both you and Sabo, the others trying to keep up.

Luffy came up and snatched your lunch tray, and that was the last straw.

"Stop." You placed the bento box down gently, but you didn't need to slam it. The tone of your stern voice reached everyone's ears, silencing them. "I don't mind answering your questions, but you can't bombard me like this, it's too much."

"You turned Law down because you didn't know him." Nami quoted what Sabo had managed to get across, which was pretty much the whole story. "But that doesn't explain this."

She pointed around the bento, which you had yet to open. You let out a sigh.

"Law asked me to tutor him in English since he was having trouble with his final paper, I agreed." You paused, watching as they hung off your every word like it was the end of time. Unfortunately for them, it wasn't very interesting. "But we stayed in the library late so he offered to give me a lift home, only Kiddo slashed his tires again so I called a friend to get them fixed. That's all."

"I didn't ask for this, I had no idea." You motioned to the box, which you had yet to open. A part of you was excited to see what was inside, and the other feared it. What if it are some practical joke? Would you open it to a beautiful homemade meal? Or a spring loaded snake? "I spent the whole ride home trying to convince him that he didn't need to do anything for me in return."

"It's not that you aren't one of my best friends," Nami began, rather bluntly. "But why you? Out of any other girl? He's notorious for being untouchable, he's the guy everyone wants but can't have."

"Nami, that's really mean..." Sabo winced, making the orange haired woman shrug.

"It's a legitimate question!"

"No, she's right. I don't know." You offered your own shrug to the conversation. "I'm not really anything special. Just an English major. If anything he should have asked you or Vivi, Robin even."

"I can't believe you turned him down." Nami sighed, finally seeming to let the topic go. She shook her head in distress, clicking her tongue. "I'd kill for that opportunity."

"It didn't feel right and it was so sudden." You finally unwrapped the orange cloth around the blue box, popping the lid off in a rush to get it over with. You were pleasantly surprised, however, to find that it was a row of neatly shaped Onigiri. On the inside of the lid was a yellow sticky note, which was marked up with his sharp uppercase scrawl.

'I'll make something better next time XO'

You couldn't help the blush, had he really marked it with a hug and kiss? Who knew the dark horse of a man was secretly such a dork. You pursed your lips to the side in an effort to hide the cheeky smile that was threatening to show up, and quickly stuffed the note in your pocket.

"Did he really make you Onigiri?" Nami blanched, clearly unimpressed.

"Hmm... not very romantic..." Sanji frowned, looking at it almost sadly. "I could have done something much better."

"Well, I like him already." Zoro smirked, stealing one of the rice patties and making you gasp in offense. You tried to take it back, only for him to take a huge chomp. You whined in protest, but gave up the chase. You'd have to protect what was left, Zoro wouldn't take advantage of your awestruck brain a second time. "Not half bad..."

"They're rice patties," Nami grimaced. "You can't exactly mess them up."

"Mm," you hummed, chewing your own small bite. "No, he's right. They're really good, almost sweet."

"Shishishi~ I wanna try Torao's cooking!"


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