7 : The Long Day

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"Here." You pulled the empty box from your satchel, handing him the blue plastic. He took it with a tired hum, his eyelids low on his silver eyes. His smirk seemed a lot less cocky and more like a lopsided smile, which made you worry a little. "Thank you again, it was very good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it, ____-ya." He rumbled, offering an honest turn of the lips.

He put the box in his bag, and you took a moment to look over his face. He always looked sleepy, but today he looked especially exhausted. The light purple bags under his eyes were dark, seeming to drag his face down even more.

"Are you okay?" You couldn't help but ask, making him turn to you with a curious lift of the brows. "You look like you need a nap, we don't have to meet up today. You can go home and get some rest."

"But then I would be missing out on my precious time with you." He tried to tease, voice lowering even further with his depleted energy level. It succeeded in turning you pink, but it also made you even more concerned.

"You're supposed to be a doctor." You pouted, shaking your head. "How can you take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first?"

"I have insomnia." He admitted with a regretful sigh. Law blinked slowly, as if he could catch some rest in that brief moment. "I couldn't sleep even if I wanted to, so I might as well spend this time with you rather than trying to do something I know I won't succeed at."

"Hm," you pursed your lips, and sucked your teeth in distaste. You turned your gaze from him to look around the library, empty on the Monday morning. Your eyes ghosted over the booth area, and decided. Wordlessly you shut his laptop, trusting Google docs to save his assignment.

"What are you doing?" He questioned with a cock of his brow, but didn't stop you from gathering up his things. When you had everything stacked neatly you raised it into your arms, standing carefully from your chair. "____-ya?"

"Up." You commanded, gesturing with your pointer finger in a rising motion. Law frowned and you gave him a stern look, so he obliged. "Come on."

You guided him to the far corner of the library where the booths sat, and gently put his things down on the table. You put your hands on his elbows, making him take a seat. He was too tired to be stubborn, so he simply let you maneuver him as you pleased.

You pulled your jumper over your head without a second thought, revealing part of your belly for just a moment. Law blinked, but hummed in a pleased response. You didn't notice, folding the jacket into a makeshift pillow.

"Here." You handed it to him, coming to sit on the back strip. It gave him enough room to lay towards the exit, and you offered a soft smile. "Lay down and try to get some shut eye. I'll sit here and get some reading done."


"This way you're trying to sleep while also spending time with me." You continued, once again offering the folded jacket to him. He looked you over with a perplexed frown, taking in the sight of your long sleeved shirt and dark colored jeans. "Please?"

"Hum..." He sighed, but nodded. He took the pillow from your palms, but didn't move away. Instead he set it on your lap, not wasting a second to let himself fall and rest on your thighs. "Sure."

"A-ah, jerk." You managed, blushing again. You kept your hands raised, unsure of what to do with them. "I've been manipulated again..."

"No, not this time." Law mumbled, taking a deep and relaxing inhale. He blindly reached out, finding your furthest wrist. That hand he placed in his hair while the other he made come round his chest, if only to snuggle it against his cheek rather sweetly. You blushed darker than ever, feeling the goatee on his chin scratch lightly against your wrist. His thin lips were soft against the heel of your palm, fingers threaded between yours his as his nose nuzzled closer. "Is this okay?"

"S-s-sure." You stammered, stars dancing behind your eyes. This was not happening to you, no way. You were dreaming, you'd fallen asleep in class and you were about to be woke up by the bell. Amazingly however, you managed to remain still. You didn't shake in his grasp, refusing to jostle him.

Law hummed, shifting to pull his outrageously long legs onto the seat. His shoulders pressed nearer, body shuffling to find comfort.

"You can relax with me, ____-ya. I promise I won't bite." He whispered against your palm, lips ghosting the soft flesh. He took another deep breath before pressing a short and tender kiss against your trapped hand. "Unless you want me to."

You couldn't formulate a response if you wanted too, so you just opted to stay quiet. This was all so new, you'd never had someone cradle your hand- nor someone take a nap on your thighs. Law's thumb rubbed small circles on your soft skin, and your heart literally ached at the sensation.

Was this what it was like to have a boyfriend?

Your other hand still sat motionless on his wild raven strands, and you decided to remove it. Only for a moment, though. You opened up your own laptop and put on your favorite show, subtitles on so you could watch without disturbing the library or the man in your lap. Once that was done you let your hand fall back to his hair.

You risked a glance down at him, tan face pale from exhaustion and eyes so heavy you were surprised he managed to stay awake as long as he had. Deciding to try your luck, you raked your fingers through his ebony locks to try and smooth their wild nature. Law let out a pleased hum, but made no other comment so you continued to play in his tresses.

Time passed quickly and you were vaguely aware of the stalling of his thumb, so you cast a look down to find him fast asleep. You turned a light pink, adoring the way his lips parted to let out quiet snores and how his brows finally released the crunch between them.

He really was just too fucking cute.

You watched him for another moment before looking back at your show, trying to burn the image into your mind forever.

Sabo didn't know what he was expecting when he walked into the library, besides the vast array of books that is. He knew you and Law were studying in there, but assumed you'd long since went your separate ways. After all, it was a full two hours after early classes ended.

Nothing could have prepared him for your current situation.

Sabo stopped dead in his tracks, wide eyes observing a sleeping Trafalgar Law cuddled into his best friends lap. He held your hand to his face like it was a valued plush, and your free one was delved deep in his hair. His ocean gaze lifted, finding your head tilted back against the wall as you too succumbed to the irresistible song of sleep.

Your cheek was squished on your shoulder, back slumped as if you'd dozed off without realizing it.

The blond man swallowed thickly.

What was this feeling in his chest? Why did he find himself upset with the idea of you and Law?

He didn't know, but he didn't like it.

Professor Romance (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now