10 : The House Party (part 2)

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"B-but Sabo might tell you." You stammered, swallowing nervously. Law offered you a small smile.

"If you don't want me to know-"

"No!" You winced, that came off a little too desperate. "I-I mean, it's not that. I just..."

"I understand." He nodded, and you let out a stressed breath. "I'll ask Sabo-ya about it next time I get a chance."


"If you show me your room." He cut you off with a cheeky smirk, already back to his old self. You pouted, blushing, looking up at his dangerous eyes through your lashes.

"You could just ask, you know." He chuckled as you rolled your eyes, already squeezing past him to lead the way. "Like a normal person."

"Hm.." Law used his long legs to take a close step to you, leaning down to ghost his lips over the shell of your ear. "But then you wouldn't turn so red."

"E-emotional manipulation." You pouted, trying really hard to ignore the way his steamy breath felt on your skin.

He laughed, but you were just thankful the way to your room was away from the rest of the party. You really didn't want Shanks or anyone teasing you about Law, he did enough of that himself.

You led Law up a flight of stairs and down the hallway you shared with Zoro and Perona. The door at the very end was plastered with stickers and your name was painted in big white letters. You opened the door and let him in, not bothering to fully close it behind you. Nobody ever came up to your room anyway, and you just felt better with it open.

"Welcome to my humble abode." You smiled, gesturing around. It's was a spacious room.

One side had your bed and desk, along with a small shelf and a lamp. The other side had a leather couch and a tv, gaming system on the entertainment stand and a coffee table between them. On said table was a mess of notebooks and art supplies. Between both halves was a line of white storage drawers, which you used to neatly hold your crafty things.

"It's very you." Law smirked, and you rolled your eyes.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" You asked, motioning to the flatscreen and couch.


"Okay." You both sat down, trying not to be awkward. You turned on your tv and booted up Netflix, hoping to god you wouldn't make a fool of yourself. "I can go and get something to eat too, if you want. Sanji is showing off his skills to Camie and whomever else will pay him attention."

"I'm alright." Law smirked, throwing his arm over the back of the couch around your shoulders. He watched you nervously search for a movie before using his draped arm to his advantage.

He poked your far cheek before running his knuckles against it, gently guiding your head to face him. You burst with color upon realizing how close you were, throat constricting.

"Have you thought of an answer for me yet?" He cooed, voice deep and sultry. You found yourself unable to look away from his eyes, his bangs tickling your forehead.

"I-I-I-... y-you-uhm-" your fumbling lips made him chuckle, and for the first time you felt the need to put the distance back between you. You looked away, turning you head back forward and bracing your hands on you knees.

"____-ya? Did I-"

"I've never had a boyfriend before!" You blurted, eyes squeezed shut to avoid the inevitable look of humor on his face. You tensed and felt his hand freeze from where it now rested against your shoulder. You felt the dire need to explain further. "I-I've never been interested! Y-you make me really nervous because I-I don't know what I'm supposed to do!"

"You know, I've never been interested either." He admitted, making you finally crack one eye open at him. He wasn't smirking, nor was he smiling. He had a completely serious expression on, something you'd only seen him use with you once or twice. "I've dated before, but it was for sex. This is the first time I've had genuine feelings for someone and believe it or not, you make me nervous as well."

"Bullshit." The word rolled off your tongue before you could stop it, and you slapped a hand to your lips. "I-I didn't mean to say that! I-I-it's just t-that your s-so cool and collected-"

"Relax." He rumbled, breathing out a soft laugh. You swallowed your words, biting your tongue so that wouldn't happen again. He held out his free palm to you. "Let me see your hand."

You took a deep breath and removed your fingers from your lips, holding out your trembling hand for him to hold. He did so, but instead of lacing your fingers he brought your palm to his chest. He pressed it firmly between his pecks, which you regrettably took note were unreasonably muscled.

But under that, you felt his heart beat ridiculously fast. It hammered against his ribcage, just like yours.

"You make me nervous, because I don't want to make you run away." He chewed his bottom lip, watching as you slowly took in his words. "I've never felt the way I do about you, and I'm not manipulating you. The proof is right there, under your palm."

"I-I believe you.." you managed to whisper, tearing at your own bottom lip.

"____-ya, would you please let me be your first boyfriend?" He asked for a third time, and you felt his heart give a strong lopsided beat.

Suddenly, Law made a lot more sense to you.

Not trusting your lips to work right, you nodded. Law smiled, dragging your hand up from his palpitating heart to make it cup his cheek. Your fingers brushed against his sideburns and his goatee scratched your wrist, but his skin was warm and smooth.

"Am I allowed to kiss you?"

"M-mhmm." You managed, face ablaze in the dimly lit room. The lights were on a low setting, but the brightness from the television illuminated you both enough to show him.

Law didn't rush it, turning to place tender kisses down your palm. Your long sleeve shirt stopped him from going further than your wrist, so he bypassed it completely. He pulled your hand over his shoulder as he leaned in, free hand caressing your jaw and thumb running a gentle line under your bottom lip.

His nose bumped yours just before his lips made contact, soft and tender just like his kisses on your hands. It was slow, sweet. Your breath hitched, but he didn't attempt to deepen the kiss. His tongue stayed in his mouth, keeping the moment innocent.

He tried to pull back after a moment, but instead released a hot breath through his nose before diving back in for another. His lips pressed a little firmer, but never demanding. You tried your best to copy his actions, but you weren't very experienced. Or, honestly, experienced at all.

Law sighed, finally managing to pull away with a grimace. You were a hot mess, heart beating a million miles a minute and ears on fire. You swallowed thickly, noticing the look of his face as he tipped his forehead to rest against yours.

"That bad?" You whispered, making his eyes snap open. You tried to smile, to make it a joke, but he wouldn't return it.

"No." He answered bluntly, voice just as quiet as yours. "Run your fingers through my hair."

You did so, and he let out a low rumbling groan. His lips captured yours once again and this time, held a certain ferocity that made your guts twist. But he didn't push you, he kept the pace slow despite his obvious desire to throw you down into the couch and ravish what had just become his.

Your fingers got tangled in his obsidian locks and accidentally gave them a tug, which was immediately followed by a breathy moan from his throat. He pulled away quickly after that, and you noticed that you were no longer the only one flushed.

"Sorry.." you apologized breathlessly, and he chuckled in response. He pecked your lips quickly before trailing similar kisses against your warm cheeks, all the way to your ear where he paused.

"Don't apologize for turning me on."

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